Ok I've heard of but never made hush puppies. They are a shoe here btw.
I have buttermilk here. So what's the correct mixture and where's the flavour come from, I take it they are deep fried?
They're also a shoe here, just don't get confused between the two or you'll burn your feet.
Yes, they're deep-fried. For the right proportions, follow that recipe
medtran49 posted above. It's more than just buttermilk and cornbread. The main flavor, to me anyway, is onion - it's like an onion-flavored deep-fried hunk of cornbread.
My grandmother made butter with an old fashioned churn.
I was just talking to someone a few days ago about how supermarket buttermilk isn't like buttermilk from the farm.
Anyway, we churned butter when I was a kid. Guess where Mom (and her mom as well) kept the churn? The bathroom! That's right, while you were sitting there doing your business, you were expected to work the dasher!
When you reheat pancakes, do you do it in the microwave, pan, toaster oven, etc.? I don't want anything I reheat to turn into rubber or be dried out. I am afraid that hushpuppies might turn into lead weights after being frozen. Guess I will find out.
I don't have a toaster oven, so if I'm not in a hurry, I do it in the regular oven, 375F for maybe eight minutes or so, depending on the pancake. If I'm in a hurry, then it's the microwave. Make no mistake, though, reheated pancakes (and hushpuppies) aren't going to be as good as when they're fresh.