Quo Fata Ferunt
Potato Pavé is what I'd call it. Just don't call me late for dinner, these things are great.
It is at 1:35 in the video. This time it didn't look so thck but it was certainly black.
If they got beef stock that dark I want to know how.
N.B. 'They' is the poster, madebyyouandi. Its her recipe.
Picked up a few tips , thanks.Potato Pavé is what I'd call it. Just don't call me late for dinner, these things are great.
You scared me, MG! I had to check my trousers to see if someone had nicked something near and dear to me, but it's there, hanging out...
Oops! My mistake. Did you ever write an introductory post about yourself in New to CookingBites?
Me? Naw. I just jumped right in. Not much to say, really. I'm just a boy...
There is, of course, no obligation for members to reveal their gender.
I went to one of those once. Well, it didn't start out as that, but after a few drinks...You know you just made an excuse for a gender reveal party, and I am all about parties!