Legendary Member
I use my cheque book to make payments to anyone I don't know, a case of once bitten twice shy I'm afraid. What really gets me though is when you phone someone up to order something or a service, you hear the tap, tap, tap of their computer keyboard in the background, This and then they ask you if this is your address, bank account details, phone no. etc when you've never had any dealings with them before. This happened to me a couple of years when I had cause to phone an emergency vet. They also told me I'd have to pay the full amount of any treatment because I was not on benefits and/or did not receive a council tax reduction. Last night I followed a link on Facebook about a book I was interested in. Not only did it come straight up on their order summary page but they had my name, address, credit card details and phone number. FB has my name and a phone number (but not that number) but not my address or credit card details. It really makes you wonder how much information other people can have about you or how easily it is for them to come by it.