If You Won The Lottery Tomorrow What Would You Do With The Proceeds?

I would put the money somewhere save for like 5 years and take some of it to try out some financial advisors. Then I would trust the most reliable one, make a financial plan on what kind of healthcare, housing, organic food, sports activities and retirement money I should aim for. Shouldn't be too greedy, if there's some remaining money I would give it to charity
Yeah, after buying new cars/houses for the kids and helping out a few relatives/friends and donating to my favorite charities, I would dump a bunch of money into my brokerage accounts and buy more stocks.

Smart thinking to put money away for the future. A lot of folks your age don't think ahead like that.
If you win the lottery, you will find you have relatives you never knew existed.

That’s where I’d be lucky - no one on my side of the family flies. They’re all terrified of it. We’d be separated by an ocean, and they don’t know how to dial internationally. :laugh:

MrsT’s family…now they’d be the problem…
It's not in trend anymore, but it's really funny when you find out that some people around you just do the same and you start talking about your ways of keeping your money for retirement.
Only 1 of my 4 kids--ages 28 to 34--has anything setup for retirement, and she's my youngest. She's got a retirement account through her work that part of her paycheck goes into and also has an individual brokerage account that she puts about $5k a year in to buy stocks. The other kids spend everything they make.
Never play so never likely to win. A select few charities would be donated to. Would love to retire obviously but never going to happen anyway.
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