I'm moving

Plane has WiFi, if you're feeling up to it I can get the cockpit controls for the A380 and you can see if you can fly it!!

One stop on your non-stop flight, just under halfway there. Expect to hear from you by then. And don't forget the axe, for when you're entering the country. It's not illegal to be carrying it.
They're there, as of 19:07 hrs on the 18th May. Been on the move! for just over 20 hours and managed to lose a few hours along the way.
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Still trying hard to find a house to live in that I can cope with. We may have one, but there are a couple others that we know are better suited to my head space but my OH is still worried about me and my back and me being alone in rural Australia. I keep pointing out that any neighbour (most places have them despite looking rural, there are clusters of houses together down tracks) would certainly help out if it was ever needed without hesitation but he's still worried... This is making life rather difficult and by the 29th we need to be living in somewhere! I'll be glad to get out of Canberra because even at night it is still very noisy!
Still trying hard to find a house to live in that I can cope with. We may have one, but there are a couple others that we know are better suited to my head space but my OH is still worried about me and my back and me being alone in rural Australia. I keep pointing out that any neighbour (most places have them despite looking rural, there are clusters of houses together down tracks) would certainly help out if it was ever needed without hesitation but he's still worried... This is making life rather difficult and by the 29th we need to be living in somewhere! I'll be glad to get out of Canberra because even at night it is still very noisy!
Best o'luck on the house hunting front.
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