I'm Watching What I Eat (2022)

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That’s when you say, “Hubby, meet stove - stove…hubby. You two will get along just fine without me!” :laugh:
You nailed that on the head there TR!!
I explained to DH why I was on strike and he immediately went to his deepest apologies ... too late, fend for yourself 🙅‍♀️
I, only other had have already had a lovely breakfast of Eggs Sausages and Toast ... lunch was Chili and Rice ... not sure what he's had 😬
You nailed that on the head there TR!!
I explained to DH why I was on strike and he immediately went to his deepest apologies ... too late, fend for yourself 🙅‍♀️
I, only other had have already had a lovely breakfast of Eggs Sausages and Toast ... lunch was Chili and Rice ... not sure what he's had 😬
Don’t feel bad, I have to employ some of that TKL (tough kitchen love) a couple of times a year. :highfive:
You nailed that on the head there TR!!
I explained to DH why I was on strike and he immediately went to his deepest apologies ... too late, fend for yourself 🙅‍♀️
I, only other had have already had a lovely breakfast of Eggs Sausages and Toast ... lunch was Chili and Rice ... not sure what he's had 😬
Well done! :hug:
I'm down to 230 lbs / 104.5 kg. Weight loss caused by the illness mostly, so not that great. I also found out in hospital that as I feared, I'm clinically malnourished and was put on a high protein diet by the hospital RD.
It's because of the illness, not the diet but I definitely have to focus on good nutrition because I am literally in starvation mode.
Yes, you can be fat and malnourished when you are ill.

Edit: given that I have a clinical SNAQ score of 3, I am out of this thread for a bit to stabilize with the help of a RD nutrition plan.
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MrsT is down just a half-pound this week, but she did make some poor choices, she admits.

Good thing her early Christmas present just arrived:


Schwinn recumbent exercise bike.
I hope it isn't for sale on Craigslist next year for 20-cents on the dollar. Been there, done that. :facepalm:


We’ve done that a few times, though I usually just end up giving whatever it is to one of my siblings.

I think she’ll use this, though, because she’s seen the result of exercising, and she knows she needs to keep it up. The only issue is that she’s so picky with things, all it’ll take is one tiny thing, like “the pedals don’t fit right,” or “the handles feel funny,” and she won’t ride it. The treadmill I use every day was one of those purchases.
Past couple of years have been a disaster for various reasons, this year I am determined to sort myself out.
Healthier eating and trying free-from breakfast cereal. We have a couple of new healthier eating cookbooks, this afternoon we are going to see if we can get another, we are open to ideas,

Saturday I weighed in at 86.3 kg, the heaviest I have ever been, the older I get the more difficult it may become so really need to start now.
So I lost 90lbs one time in my life, thats almost 41 kilos! I was always thin, active and muscular but I fell off the wagon for a few years. First off everybody is different, metabolism varies, your bodies reactions to fats and carbs too. My enemy is carbs:wink:

For me I implemented some minor changes in my life that had big results.

1. I eat healthy Mon-Fri (or whatever your work schedule is). I save the weekends to splurge within reason.
2. Forget fast food and buying frozen meals which are really just fast food repackaged.
3. Cook fresh. Include vegetables in every meal and watch your meat intake. Concentrate on low fat meats like Chicken or Turkey with the occasional beef. For me as an active man I stay between 1/4lb-1/2lb per meal. When you buy ingredients in the store that are packaged be weary of the ingredients list. If you can’t pronounce it you probably don’t want it. To hell with processed foods IMO.
4. Be active - You don’t have to be a gym rat if you just want to lose some wait. But go for a walk 3+ times per week and keep those joints moving.
5. Don’t eat past 6pm. Now this had a big impact for me, I found that after 6pm my body went more into wind down mode and didn’t want to burn calories as much. I hate eating past 6pm because I wake up feeling like I have a brick in my gut because my body did nothing with the food.
6. I keep healthy low carb snacks around like Almonds or Peanuts. I also give them a quick weight on a kitchen scale to make sure that I am consuming “a single serving” versus a handful where I’m consuming 3-4 times that amount easily.
7. Now you don’t have to do this but I am very comfortable eating 1 meal a day. A good portioned healthy meal with that light snack I mentioned earlier really keeps the train movin.
8. I juice fresh Green veggies 3 times per week. Tastes like crap sometimes but wow do I feel good. Kale, Wheatgrass, Carrots, Cucumber etc. You name it, it’s a good way to consume a good amount of vitamins in a single glass. Just make sure to get some good fiber intake through the day.

Anyways I hope some of this is helpful to you and you didn’t go crosseyed reading my lengthy ramble. I am a 48yr old man and (knock on wood) I have zero health issues whatsoever so I must be doing something right. I have ZERO problems keeping up with friends in their 20’s and 30’s and often I wear them out LOL. Granted that genetics play some role I’m sure but I feel like I’ve got a good routine dialed in for ME that’s easy to manage and yields consistent results. You need to do the same thing through a little trial and error but you WILL nail it.

But again I want to reiterate - save a couple splurge days to go get that pint of ice cream, have a hamburger. Make it an easy routine so it feels natural and not like a struggle. Reward yourself for your hard work and never get discouraged through that trial and error phase. Because once you dial it in you’ll be on the clouds. Good luck to you!
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Don’t eat past 6pm. Now this had a big impact for me, I found that after 6pm my body went more into wind down mode and didn’t want to burn calories as much. I hate eating past 6pm because I wake up feeling like I have a brick in my gut because my body did nothing with the food.

I went with most of what you are saying except for juicing green vegetables (I hate any sort of smoothie). But, the problem I'd really have is not eating after 6pm. I eat my main meal in the evening, often at 10 or 11 pm. I look forward to it and can't imagine surviving from 6 pm until I go to bed at 1 am (ish) with no food! Do you go to bed really early?
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I went with most of what you are saying except for juicing green vegetables (I hate any sort of smoothie). But, the problem I'd really have is not eating after 6pm. I eat my main meal in the evening, often at 10 or 11 pm. I look forward to it and can't imagine surviving from 6 pm until I go to bed at 1 am (ish) with no food! Do you go to bed really early?
Hey Morning - On work nights I am up until 10-11pm usually and on weekends 2-3am. The funny thing is most of the time I eat lunch then I’m good for the rest of the day. If I do get a little hungry i grab a light snack. My body just seems to respond best that way.

Every now and then I will go out to dinner or to the pub with friends and have a couple beers and some food, I did this last night and felt fine. When I use to do this on a daily basis I felt less healthy. Some people eat later though and are use to that.

Yeah juicing is really good. I’m not much a smoothie guy but I’ll press out some juice and that makes me feel really good. I try to be conscious of what vitamins I need and make sure I get those as often as possible.
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I´ve been mostly vegetarian all my life, occasionally eat beef, pork - not so much chicken these days - but mostly vegetarian. I was a sport fanatic until I was about 55 - cricket, rugby, squash, jogging, tennis, until the body said " Sod the sport - have a long walk, then a large scotch". I´ve always eaten home-cooked food, prepared from fresh, because that´s what my family did. There was no such thing as "Fast Food" when I was young, unless you count Heinz beans on toast. Everything that was cooked at home (until I was 19 and went to Uni) was fresh. Vegetables came from the garden, and when they ran out, we used whatever was in season. BUT, whatever vegetable was available, we ate it. And I swear I´m one of the very few people who say "YEAH! I EAT VEGETABLES!" who will actually eat any vegetable I´m given. So many times I´ve been taunted by my cheffie mates in Venezuela about not eating meat, but when I offer them beetroot, or okra, or aubergine, they turn their noses up!
I eat when I´m hungry, period. There´s nothing in metabolism that says you HAVE to eat at a certain time. The English eat breakfast at 7am, lunch at 12pm, and dinner at 6pm. The Spanish might just manage a coffee at 10am, have "una o dos tapas" at 3pm, and then have dinner at 11pm. The Italians will eat lunch for 3 hours, then go to sleep. The Venezuelans will have breakfast at 7am - lunch at 2pm - and dinner at 11pm, if they want.
Healthy, low-carb snacks is a very modern concept. When I was a kid, we´d buy a packet of nuts, or crisps, if we were hungry. Otherwise, we went hungry. Personally, I don´t spend the day "snacking" on things, because it fills me up and makes me feel I´m not really hungry, when in fact, I am.
Eating fresh green veggies 3 times a week sounds like a diet regime. "Fresh, green veggies" are no more -nor less - important than other veggies, or proteins, or carbohydrates, or anything else. Fresh, green veggies should be part of your regular diet, not something you need to programme into your weekly food regime. Food is about balancing what you enjoy eating, every day of the year.
Juicing? I went from the UK, where fresh fruit juice was seen as some sort of treasonable aberration, to Venezuela, where you could go to an "Arepa" bar and enjoy fresh mango, pineapple, pawpaw, guava, melon, watermelon, orange, soursop, banana, strawberry, blackberry, etc.
In principle, I totally agree with you. Eat healthy, do exercise, don´t go over the top, and enjoy what you really like.
The English eat breakfast at 7am, lunch at 12pm, and dinner at 6pm. The Spanish might just manage a coffee at 10am, have "una o dos tapas" at 3pm, and then have dinner at 11pm. The Italians will eat lunch for 3 hours, then go to sleep. The Venezuelans will have breakfast at 7am - lunch at 2pm - and dinner at 11pm, if they want.
Or like I did yesterday, breakfast at 7AM and second breakfast at 10:30AM! :laugh:
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