I'm Watching What I Eat (2024)

For her, it’s sort of flipped: two mugs of half-caff coffee in the morning, one mug of decaf coffee or tea during the day, then one mug of decaf tea at night.
Thank you for sharing. Come September, I will have to investigate what my new routine will be. Until then, I can do with 1 to 2 coffees until noon.
One thing about the Covid - I’ve been struggling to get under 180 pounds for months and months…made it! :laugh:
We only have coffee twice a day. Breakfast and lunch. It's nowhere near full strength either. For me I get a single shot in a jumbo cup, or ask for it quarter strength. That's still usually stronger than I drink it at home.

When we're out camping, it's different. I can drink it all the way up to bedtime (still very weak) and sleep as normal from exhaustion.
The way you run yourself ragged on a regular basis I am amazed it has any affect on you at all!
True. Farm work must exhausting.

I've been trying to find an evening to continue gardening, when it's a little cooler and I am not exhausted...plus I wasn't able to keep up the no starch after 6 pm with this scorch of a heat...

And it's a mini flower bed, not more than 4m2...can't imagine the work on an actual land.plot...

I tried cantaloupe last night. In hourly intervals, sine 6 pm...and by 9 pm I was hungry...so I had a sandwich amd chips and cream cheese...🫢

Edited to add, reflecting on what I gathered from different nutritional advice, I m8ght have eaten too little protein.

REctified today, and it does work better.
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Last week I had a bad cold. It made me lose my appetite because I couldn't taste or smell anything that I ate!! In the process, I had stopped eating & had lost weight. I'm now down tpo 208lbs. But I hate having a cold because the downside of it makes you not be able to taste what you are eating!!!! :ninja:
Last week I had a bad cold. It made me lose my appetite because I couldn't taste or smell anything that I ate
Well sorry to hear that and I hope you've recovered now.
It's strange you lost your appetite, in a sense; there's an old saying : Feed a cold, starve a fever, and I guess it's because when you have a cold, you usually get really hungry (which is frustrating, because you can't taste anything) whereas with a fever, you lose your appetite completely.
I once got Dengue fever and didn't eat for 3 days!!
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