In Japan, each and every item wrapped in plastic is the norm. What about where you are?

Windigo plastic bags are also sold at checkout on the supermarkets, they used to be free, many years ago. I spent a lifetime collecting them when they were free, so now these are the bags I use. I also have a really old fashioned shopping trolley that I sometimes use :laugh:

Wai, wai, wait as sec, you BRING a trolly with you to the super? :giggle:
Yes I do 😂 when I know I will be buying a lot of stuff. I don't drive so I walk everywhere, the trolley makes it easier to carry heavy groceries.
Oh, I just noticed you're in Portugal. I'm half-Portuguese, on my father's side. Now I have an image of you pushing a trolly up those steep hills in Lisbon. ;).

(thinking) Now, I miss Libon. I haven't been back in, gosh, almost ten years. You should post some Portuguese recipes for us to try. :)
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