Ingredients swapping - UK

Morning Glory

Obsessive cook
Staff member
19 Apr 2015
Local time
7:16 PM
Maidstone, Kent, UK
Would anyone be interested in swapping ingredients? On another forum I was on we used to do this sometimes. For example, I sent someone dried limes (which they couldn't get in Italy) and got some dried mushrooms in return. It does, of course mean trusting someone with a postal address (which obviously isn't shown on the forum).

Perhaps its too complicated to do...I don't know. For example, I can get cheap pink sea salt locally. I'd happily swap a packet of it for something I can't get (or something home-made).

I'd be interested to know what people think.
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I think it could work really well between people in the same country and it has the potential to work between counties if the participants are careful. I can't see why it can't be tried. So the question becomes what is it you have cheaply locally that doesn't weigh a ton and can be posted?

My area (currently) has lots of Cheshire potatoes! Useless for posting but I do have a lot of asafoetida in its resin form which you would need to grind to make the powder. I also have a lot of dried shallots...

Oh and if anyone wants some sourdough starter, just yell... I can easily post some out within the UK.
Doubt you would want Himalayan Pink sea salt @SatNavSaysStraightOn (you said before you use very little salt). I also have a lot of frozen Kaffir Lime Leaves. They will survive posting and re-freezing. I know 'cos I sent some to someone else once. Hmm, what else? I've got some Whole Dried Limes and tubes of Harissa. Any takers?


I use asafoetida quite a lot in powder form. Is the resin significantly different?
I use asafoetida quite a lot in powder form. Is the resin significantly different?
the powder is simply the resin ground up, but the powder is often tampered with and 'diluted' with other 'stuff'. the resin is guaranteed to be clean and I only grind up small amounts for freshness and the grind up another batch a few months later. It seems to last better that way.
Well it looks as if we haven't got many takers! I'd love to try some of your asafoetida @SatNavSaysStraightOn, and I'm tempted by sourdough starter (although I feel I really MUST make my own!). Lime leaves...? (she mutters, hopefully).
Well it looks as if we haven't got many takers! I'd love to try some of your asafoetida @SatNavSaysStraightOn, and I'm tempted by sourdough starter (although I feel I really MUST make my own!). Lime leaves...? (she mutters, hopefully).
send me a PM with your name and postal address and I can pop some in the post to you.
I would also be interested. but family is not very adventurous with foods. I also don't have a clue what you would want from the states... any ideas??
I didn't realize this was from 2 years ago. LOL!
Not 2 years but from September 2015 (9 months ago). But it doesn't matter. It was an idea that really didn't take off. But if there are ingredients that I can get here that you can't, I'd be more than happy to send them to you! I can get all sorts of Indian spices very cheaply, which perhaps might be more difficult to obtain over there?

As for US ingredients, I will give that some thought!
Not 2 years but from September 2015 (9 months ago). But it doesn't matter. It was an idea that really didn't take off. But if there are ingredients that I can get here that you can't, I'd be more than happy to send them to you! I can get all sorts of Indian spices very cheaply, which perhaps might be more difficult to obtain over there?

As for US ingredients, I will give that some thought!
ROFLOL! My Math Sucks! LOL It didn't register
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