Insomniac's Thread

Thank you, what a generous observation.
We do car share occasionally, 3 to 4 times a year, but it is not convenient for daily commute, as we all have very different schedules and family obligations before or after work.
I can also opt for an online set of lessons occasionally, not having to travel that day, e.g.for a hospital appointment or alike...twice a year or so...not exploiting it...
Well in that case fingers crossed a job near home comes up soon 🤞
Well bedtime approaches and if I want a good nights sleep all I need to do is leave my tech in another room and stick with the kindle.
So as a grown ass woman who knows this why am I fighting against it?! 🙄
I find my kindle keeps me awake. It's the screen I suppose.
I find my kindle keeps me awake. It's the screen I suppose.
My first one that’s now in Spain is a bit too bright but this one does a dark backlit mode with ‘warm’ writing. It’s pretty dark. I can use it without it disturbing Mr SSOAP at all.
So long as I don’t read anything too interesting or funny it works like a charm.
It’s to the point now that the Kindle is so associated with sleeping that I rarely make it past three pages 😂

A pic next to my phone screen because is had to tell how low the lighting is on it.

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