No issue with the pictures, but we have an unwritten agreement that, when I´m cooking, she stays out of the kitchen, and vice-versa. Typical criticisms when I´m cooking are:My wife is the minute I take a pic with my phone.
We touched on it earlier but I thought I could vent.
So I take my phone our to take a pic of my new electric knife.
This is what I got when she saw me.
What are you doing? Are you putting that on the net?? What a loser. I switch off when she says that.
There´s not enough salt in that! (tastes like the Dead Sea)
Have you used the same knife to cut onions? (Hates raw onions)
That´s not brown enough. Leave it in the oven another 10 minutes (so it´s incinerated)
Eventually, I say " Do YOU want to cook it? Go ahead, be my guest!". Never happens.