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My time and motion skills still amaze my wife

My time and motion skills still amaze my wife
Exotic? The only Instant Noodles I ever tried were Ramen or Cup O' Noodles. Both had too much salt in their Bouillon Powder.
Salty exotic then
The Indomie noodles I eat have no bouillon powder at all. It's ketjap and coconut broth powder. Pretty nice for instant noodles.
Mine weren’t salty too, only tasty and I liked them very much.. mmm, I can’t remember their name, I’ll take a look later
Gosh, I’ve just finished my brekky and I’m already craving for them now!
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These are the best instant noodles there are though, absolutely delicious. Try them sometime if you can.
Vesta curry! They were sold in the 60s. I got one in my freshers pack at university in '94 and had to ask my mum what it was! I think they were trying to relaunch them. Vesta do frozen meals now but I dont think they do dried now