
Beef and lamb's liver are virtually unavailable here and chicken liver is rare. Luckily I prefer pig's liver anyway.

liver s.jpg

Cooking it? Pan fried with sausage and/or bacon, mashed (creamed) potatoes and onion gravy.

Liver and bacon:

liver-bacon 1 s.jpg

Liver and sausage:

liver and sausage 2 s.jpg

I have tried cooking it with mustard sauce the same as I sometimes cook kidney but it didn't work.

Kidney and onions in mustard sauce:

kidley in mustard sauce.jpg

Finally got round to cooking some liver. In this case, pig's liver, cooked sous vide for 2 hours @ 58 deg C then finished off in a pan of foaming butter for 1 min each side. The texture was amazing, almost like ice cream, making it quite difficult to handle until it was seared. After taking it out of the pan I threw in some sliced up balsamic pickled onions and caramelised them with a little more butter. Then in went some demi glace and a shot of blackcurrent cordial, to make a rich, sweet but slightly sharp sauce. Being in a saucy mood I also knocked up a simple mustard sauce - double cream, wholegrain and Dijon mustard and a little concentrated chicken stock. Served with new potatoes, runner beans and roasted cauliflower. I loved it, my wife didn't, the dogs did.
I loved it, my wife didn't

The texture of sous-vide liver was mentioned on Masterchef Professional (an old episode) and divided the judges although more disliked than liked it. To me it sounds a bit too mushy. Was that why your wife didn't like it?
The texture of sous-vide liver was mentioned on Masterchef Professional (an old episode) and divided the judges although more disliked than liked it. To me it sounds a bit too mushy. Was that why your wife didn't like it?
No, it was the taste. I think it was my mistake using pigs liver - supposedly the strongest flavoured of all livers. I should have tried ox or lambs liver first. Trust me, the texture was to die for!
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