Low Carb Diet


Well-Known Member
4 Jan 2020
Local time
6:56 PM
[Mod.Edit: Details of diet requested by Herbie]

I could write all day!
He's not to worry, it's not a Yorkshire disease! (maybe Lancashire but not Yorkshire :roflmao:)

First a web site: Low Carb Program they persuade you to pay but it's not necessary.

The thing I found difficult initially, was the missing comforts of bread, pasta and rice. Avoid these as much as you can.
I used the attached sheets to calculate my carb intake daily. The numbers are in %, i.e. shrooms at 4% means 4g per 100g.
Buy a good set of kitchen scales unless you have already to measure 1g in say 5Kg and make a note of everything you eat.
e.g. 100g shrooms = 4g; 100g carrot = 7; 50g beetroot = 3.5 so total so far = 14.5g carbs.
Don't worry about the sugar vs fibre content to begin just note the totals.
It took me about six months before I could stop taking notes every day and be confident I was keeping within safe limits.
I would suggest that he doesn't go the keto route to begin with, body can react unpleasantly.

I made an initial maximum of 80g/day which took my HbA1c from 6.5% to 5.9% in six months, now two+ years later it sits around 5.5%, well out of the Dracula zone :thumbsup:


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One thing that struck me on a quick glance at the above was garlic being so high in carbs. Blimey - why is that?
Kia ora from nz as well. You mentioned a shroom curry, I love mushroom sabji, well I used to until the shop closed. Would you like to share your recipe please?

One thing that struck me on a quick glance at the above was garlic being so high in carbs. Blimey - why is that?
Just a quirk of nature, I guess.
I usually have a couple of cloves with evening meal which equates to about 7g garlic ( 7/100 * 33) = 2.3g carbs so used in moderation has little effect on blood sugar. There's also an ongoing debate on whether garlic is good or not for people with diabetes .. decision not yet arrived at.
...but don't always have fresh lime available so use some frozen juice .. not as good as fresh but it works .. sort of.

I use the bottled lemon/lime juice for midweek meals but not the same at all.

I must try this curry when I get more mushrooms in. I made a big pot of mushroom and rocket soup the other day so no mushrooms left.
I've pretty much been doing low carb for the last 4 or 5 months. Im maintaining a 17 pound weight loss. My diverticulitis is under control.
I've pretty much been doing low carb for the last 4 or 5 months. Im maintaining a 17 pound weight loss. My diverticulitis is under control.
Detroit Dad, Recently, ended up in ER and diagnosed with diverticulitis. Any pointers to share besides low carb on keeping it under control? I have rec’d conflicting info from Drs.
Detroit Dad, Recently, ended up in ER and diagnosed with diverticulitis. Any pointers to share besides low carb on keeping it under control? I have rec’d conflicting info from Drs.

Three years ago I ended up in the ER. I had to go on some serious meds to take care of the infection in my intestines. Then I met with my doctor, and a specialist. I had the same thing. I was getting conflicting information. I did a bunch of online research. It appears that there is still a lot that they don't know about diverticulitus. It almost seems that the causes and symptoms vary from person to person. It took me awhile of trial and error to figure out what worked for me.

About 5 months ago I was having a lot of problems. Spending hours in the bathroom every morning, cramping, ect..... I was drinking a lot of beer, we were eating out way to much. When I was eating out I wasn't making healthy options. Since I was also over weight I decided to try a low carb, Keto'ish type diet. I mean, I know how to cook now. I figured I could come up with cook arounds for most dishes.

Now that I've been doing this for awhile I very rarely have any flare ups.

My triggers, which will probably vary from yours are

1. Overeating
2. greasy/fried foods
3. Beer (I drink bourbon, but a lot less quantity than beer)
4. junk food

I haven't given up on everything completely. I will occasionally have a beer when we go out. Instead of two talls. I'll have one pint. I'll occasionally cheat on my food, but only occasionally. People have asked me, well, don't you miss eating that bad stuff. My replay is always the same. I don't miss how it makes me feel.

I'm under 200 pounds for the first time in 20 years. I feel better than ever. I would like to lose 10 more pounds. I'm not going to worry about it. Sometimes I focus on "Memories over Macro's" lol.

I found a low carb wrap that I use for my pizza crust. Its 5 net carbs. It crisps up really nice. My son says that its just a fancy cracker pizza. Whatever, it works for me!!

Hope this helps. I hope you feel better soon.

Three years ago I ended up in the ER. I had to go on some serious meds to take care of the infection in my intestines. Then I met with my doctor, and a specialist. I had the same thing. I was getting conflicting information. I did a bunch of online research. It appears that there is still a lot that they don't know about diverticulitus. It almost seems that the causes and symptoms vary from person to person. It took me awhile of trial and error to figure out what worked for me.

About 5 months ago I was having a lot of problems. Spending hours in the bathroom every morning, cramping, ect..... I was drinking a lot of beer, we were eating out way to much. When I was eating out I wasn't making healthy options. Since I was also over weight I decided to try a low carb, Keto'ish type diet. I mean, I know how to cook now. I figured I could come up with cook arounds for most dishes.

Now that I've been doing this for awhile I very rarely have any flare ups.

My triggers, which will probably vary from yours are

1. Overeating
2. greasy/fried foods
3. Beer (I drink bourbon, but a lot less quantity than beer)
4. junk food

I haven't given up on everything completely. I will occasionally have a beer when we go out. Instead of two talls. I'll have one pint. I'll occasionally cheat on my food, but only occasionally. People have asked me, well, don't you miss eating that bad stuff. My replay is always the same. I don't miss how it makes me feel.

I'm under 200 pounds for the first time in 20 years. I feel better than ever. I would like to lose 10 more pounds. I'm not going to worry about it. Sometimes I focus on "Memories over Macro's" lol.

I found a low carb wrap that I use for my pizza crust. Its 5 net carbs. It crisps up really nice. My son says that its just a fancy cracker pizza. Whatever, it works for me!!

Hope this helps. I hope you feel better soon.

Thanks, Detroit Dad. Really appreciate the info and the time you spent to write it up.

I rec'd IVs of antibiotics, morphine and anti nausea in the ER. Sent home with same except in oral form and Percocet in place of morphine as well as instructions to follow up with family doctor and specialist. Discharge Instructions said clear fluids only till infection cleared, ER nurse said make sure to eat solid food when taking antibiotics. Hmmmm...Called family dr. Response was" no need to see you unless you are worse". I asked about diet, response was it's different for everyone. Made appt with specialist - can't get in till mid Jan. Percocet I took for a day and stopped it just added to the stomach pain.

I definitely have an entirely different approach to food since the diagnosis. Fried food no longer appeals to me, I was a huge fan of carbonated plain soda water with ice as a cold bev and now can't get it down. I also don't like eating till I have a full feeling. We went out to eat Friday and our companions were questioning why I didn't partake in alcohol or appetizers (fried or cheesy). I think you said it best - I don't miss how it made me feel. Will take a while to figure out how best to control - but, I am sure I will be able to get it under control.

Again, thank you for taking the time to respond 😉 Much appreciated.
The infection on my intestines was bulging out of my side. It looked like a baseball was trying to explode from my intestines. No morphine for me. They hooked me up to an I.V. Then I was put on a 10 regiment of Metronidazole (Flagyl, Medro) along with antibiotics that focus on intestinal infections.

The meds took care of the problem. Also caused a bunch of digestive issues. My system was messed up for a month. During a flare (and most of the time on the meds) I ate broth and white rice. It was the only thing that didn't mess me up.

I partied a little to much over the holidays and I paid for it yesterday. It's a great reminder to get back on track.

Good Luck...........
The infection on my intestines was bulging out of my side. It looked like a baseball was trying to explode from my intestines. No morphine for me. They hooked me up to an I.V. Then I was put on a 10 regiment of Metronidazole (Flagyl, Medro) along with antibiotics that focus on intestinal infections.

The meds took care of the problem. Also caused a bunch of digestive issues. My system was messed up for a month. During a flare (and most of the time on the meds) I ate broth and white rice. It was the only thing that didn't mess me up.

I partied a little to much over the holidays and I paid for it yesterday. It's a great reminder to get back on track.

Good Luck...........
Hope you recover quickly from the holidays! Wellness in 2020!
My GP suggested I cut my carbs as I feel exhausted and fatigued all the time, my energy levels crash around mid afternoon. I believe this may be menopausal related but am having a blood test next Thursday as a precaution.
We have recently purchased a book which is basically recipes for diabetics, which I am not, but am willing to try.
Any advice would be welcome.
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