Mageirocophobia - Fear of Cooking!

Having just discovered, at a ripe old age, that I'm somewhat claustraphobic (failed MRI scans) - I can empathise with the symptoms; especially as I've mocked other people's seemingly irrational phobias in the past and couldn't understand why they'd got so worked-up about what appeared to be "nothing" to me and others.

I must say though, I've never actually heard of a phobia of cooking in the past and not come across anyone who has it (or has admitted to suffering from it).

I've met people who have the 'usual' phobias; spiders, dogs, heights, fairground rides, etc. - but no one with a really unusual phobia. How about you guys? Know of anyone with a fear of cooking or something unusual?
Haven't met anyone with a fear of cooking but I did once meet a lady with a genuine phobia of washers and dryers.
Washers and dryers? That's a new one on me! :eek:
Perfectly understandable. The washers rotate alarmingly, make nasty swishing noises and then vibrate. The dryers rotate slowly and repetitively whilst making a thr-ump noise. Its not really a normal thing in either case! :D
I originally thought the woman was claustrophobic due to where the washer and dryer were located. Nope, her next place the w/d were in an open space and she still had problems. The last time I saw her she was in a house with the w/d in a big garage which had a huge pile of dirty clothes.
Haven't met anyone with a fear of cooking but I did once meet a lady with a genuine phobia of washers and dryers.
Washing Machines - Plyntiphobia
Clothes Dryers - Drogerphobia
It's there, listed medically.
I'm sure it is ,but can't understand the reason to the end,
if it was a not to put weight on,or a fear of getting ill ,I could see it,as I said I do feel for some anxiety led fears
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