Making pizza later today

Personally I like the crust puffy around the edges but thinner in the middle:

Recipe - Roasted Pepper, Aubergine & Spinach Pizza with Taleggio

we always make two so my wife loads hers with everything but the kithen sink haha
I’m all about balance on a pizza - not too much of this, just enough of that, and keep it simple.

MrsT wants four pounds of cheese on it, to start, then she wants to load it up with a lot of other stuff.

I made five pizza doughs a couple of weeks ago, in anticipation of her being out of town for most of this coming week, but I’m not sure I’m going to get to them. I’ve got two couscous dishes to make (which should freeze ok, but my freezer is bursting right now).
Homemade and home baked is probably more times superior than the restaurant ones?

I am easy to please, any gluten free and dairy free is very fine.

If I can determine myself, thinner crust, lots of toppings and some fresh veg...
My tastes have changed greatly over the years. I used to like pizzas with loads of cheese and toppings. Now, a Margharita with no sauce, just fresh mozzarella slices torn, some gently cooked minced garlic in EVOO, thin slices of ripe tomatoes, and torn fresh basil is by far my favorite.

I'll sometimes make a smoked fresh mozzarella (from the Italian market), lightly wilted spinach and crimini mushroom pizza. I need to pick up some smoked fresh mozzarella next time we are over that way. There's a pasta dish we like that uses it as well.

On very rare occasions anymore, I'll make a ground beef, crimini mushroom pizza. That used to be my favorite, but is just too much anymore, so i really have to be craving it.

When we don't feel like going out and get delivery, I'll get a regular, thin crust pepperoni, sometimes with black olive slices. No extra cheese, no cheese in the crust, etc. I  might get 1 piece down that has all the extra stuff, then it's a no go, so I just skip the extras.
many years ago when i lived in New Orleans , they built a new pizza joint near me so i went in and ordered a cheeseless piza , the guy behind the counter looked at me like i was nuts !!! but he made it like i wanted and i left , a few weeks went by and i went back and ordered the same cheeseless pizza , the same guy was behind the counter and he told me that since i 1st ordered that cheeseless pizza he had had several customers order pizza's without cheese, so i know i'm not alone in what i like , its just that we are few in numbers haha
I’m all about balance on a pizza - not too much of this, just enough of that, and keep it simple.

MrsT wants four pounds of cheese on it, to start, then she wants to load it up with a lot of other stuff.

I made five pizza doughs a couple of weeks ago, in anticipation of her being out of town for most of this coming week, but I’m not sure I’m going to get to them. I’ve got two couscous dishes to make (which should freeze ok, but my freezer is bursting right now).
You could make couscous crust pizza?
i get a lot of ribbing because i don't like cheese on anything including pizza, so i just put extra sauce with pepperoni and sausage on mine ,we always make two so my wife loads hers with everything but the kithen sink haha
Do you like cheese by itself? Just curious because my cousin's stepdad doesn't like cheese at all, and when we go visit out there and get pizzas his always has no cheese on it. When they visit here I have to keep that in mind when I am cooking to try to keep things simple so others can add cheese to whatever we are eating or I can have side dishes that he will like as well as the macaroni cheese that everyone else likes.
the beauty of DIY pizza is . . . . you make it like you want it!

it's difficult to find a pizza joint that does a 48 hr cold rise, , , , if that's what you want . . .
or a sauce that's anything past thinned out ketchup . . .

one kid like super thin crust. I roll it out, and roll again - too big for my stone. . . lop some dough off . . . happy kid . . .
prefer Asiago cheese? nada problem . . .

the list of 'done perfect at home' is extremely long !

all you need is a good dough. if you have a scale, duck soup. grams of this grams of that badda bing badda boom.
weighing the ingredients is fast, fool proof, and exceedingly repeatable.
a standmixer with a dough hook turns kneading into 'set the timer for 10 minutes' effort.
i do not like any dairy product , my parents told the story of me throwing my bottle out the car window when i was 6 months old , I never touched milk again
Understandable. I think that's my cousin's stepdad's issue with it, but maybe he was lactose intolerant and knew it without getting diagnosed. He just made a conscious decision not to eat cheese (and other dairy) from an early age.
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