Making pizza later today

I'll eat cheese on a pizza or in a quiche. If it is melted it's okay. Not raw.
I love most dairy, so I'm not lactose intolerant.
My brother hates cheese in all forms and shapes. He does eat pizza and orders a pizza imbecilo :)
I like pizza loaded edge to edge and piled high with topping (a bit of an upside down pie I suppose) and I like them thin and scant with very few simple ingredients. Depends on the mood but I don’t think of them as the same dish.

I always put extra toppings on a shop bought premade pizza, I think they need a lift with some better quality or more generous ingredients. A pre-made shop bought Margherita pizza over here is an affront to humanity 😂

The last one I bought I scraped the cheese off and replaced it with some better stuff 😆
I like pizza loaded edge to edge and piled high with topping (a bit of an upside down pie I suppose)
You need one of the old Pizza Hut priazzo pizzas from the 1980’s.

Cue Twilight Zone music…

Imagine, if you will, a large deep-dish pie pan, fitted with a dough, right up and over the sides, like a proper meat pie.

Now, sauce it, cheese it, then absolutely load it to the top with peppers, onions, sausage, mushrooms, whatever you want…then take a second dough, lay it atop, crimp the edge to seal it, then sauce and cheese it. It’s a pizza with another pizza on top…a true “pizza pie!”
You need one of the old Pizza Hut priazzo pizzas from the 1980’s.

Cue Twilight Zone music…

Imagine, if you will, a large deep-dish pie pan, fitted with a dough, right up and over the sides, like a proper meat pie.

Now, sauce it, cheese it, then absolutely load it to the top with peppers, onions, sausage, mushrooms, whatever you want…then take a second dough, lay it atop, crimp the edge to seal it, then sauce and cheese it. It’s a pizza with another pizza on top…a true “pizza pie!”
They were bad though weren’t they?! 😂
Pizza Hut is the only restaurant (I use that term loosely) that’s a big no no in this house.

We were travelling back from a family holiday about 10/15 years ago and absolutely famished so got off at the next junction and rolled into one of the industrial estates (strip malls).
Pizza Hut was open and not too busy.
It was the worse food we have ever been served and woefully overpriced.
Mr SSOAP said “That’s it, we are absolutely never eating in a Pizza Hut again, it’s always AWFUL and that takes the biscuit!”
They’ve been Mr SSOAP embargoed ever since!
They were bad though weren’t they?! 😂
Pizza Hut is the only restaurant (I use that term loosely) that’s a big no no in this house.
No, they were quite good, but they didn’t last long because they were the most expensive item on the menu and they took forever to make. They had a special tool to make sure the inside got done - imagine a large round steel trivet with a dozen or so prongs sticking out of the bottom. That would get pushed into the pie to help cook the innards.

Pizza Hut, IMO, was easily the best of the national chain pizza places (mainly, just them and Domino’s), up until they moved from making their dough in-store to getting it shipped in frozen from a central dough facility. That changed everything, and it was downhill ever since.

Still…of the national chains (which now is PH, Domino’s, and Papa John’s, I suppose), I prefer it, but only their Thin ‘n’ Crispy pizzas, not their other ones.
No, they were quite good, but they didn’t last long because they were the most expensive item on the menu and they took forever to make. They had a special tool to make sure the inside got done - imagine a large round steel trivet with a dozen or so prongs sticking out of the bottom. That would get pushed into the pie to help cook the innards.

Pizza Hut, IMO, was easily the best of the national chain pizza places (mainly, just them and Domino’s), up until they moved from making their dough in-store to getting it shipped in frozen from a central dough facility. That changed everything, and it was downhill ever since.

Still…of the national chains (which now is PH, Domino’s, and Papa John’s, I suppose), I prefer it, but only their Thin ‘n’ Crispy pizzas, not their other ones.
Ah well now I think your Pizza Hut and our Pizza Hut are not the same thing at all.
They were (and still are) over priced and poor quality.
They are always grubby, the toilets are dirty and the food is worse than mediocre!

That probably explains why they’re in deep financial trouble and closing stores at a rate of knots!
Just had a look, £73 million in debt 🙀

Pizza Express on the other hand, still over price but edible and you don’t feel like you wandered into a bad motorway services 😂
They were (and still are) over priced and poor quality.
They are always grubby, the toilets are dirty and the food is worse than mediocre!
Nearly all the sitdown PH’s have closed and they’re now just carry-out only, and near the end (and a good bit before), the sitdown restaurants were indeed quite dismal.
You need one of the old Pizza Hut priazzo pizzas from the 1980’s.

Cue Twilight Zone music…

Imagine, if you will, a large deep-dish pie pan, fitted with a dough, right up and over the sides, like a proper meat pie.

Now, sauce it, cheese it, then absolutely load it to the top with peppers, onions, sausage, mushrooms, whatever you want…then take a second dough, lay it atop, crimp the edge to seal it, then sauce and cheese it. It’s a pizza with another pizza on top…a true “pizza pie!”
Almost like a calzone?
Made pizza today, and it was excellent:


Topped with banana peppers and muffuletta mix, whole-milk mozzarella and Romano cheeses.
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