I don't either, personally. The idea is supposed to be to put the dressing on the bottom with any "wet" vegetables or ones that are hardier and can handle the moisture, then build up a barrier with lettuce and put the drier or more delicate vegetables on top. A lot of the salads I've seen have also had pasta or other grains like quinoa in them, which I just don't want in my salad. You can't really eat them in the jar, so you have to dump them onto a plate which gets everything mixed nicely, but I'd just as soon pack my salad in a shorter, wider container that I can just eat it out of directly. I hate washing dishes at work but with a plate covered in dressing you don't really have a choice.
Ikea has very strict rules for population size and density in areas they are considering building a new store. I live in a pretty densely populated area with tons of colleges and young families, but apparently we don't meet their requirements. My nearest Ikea is 3 hours away. We've been a couple of times when we've had to make the drive anyway, or when we are passing through on our way to somewhere else. I miss living in Atlanta where we had one right there.