
School was feet and inches, miles and leagues, pounds, shillings and pence, pints, quarts and gallons. I had to learn metric all by myself, but thank goodness I did, especially for someone whose grasp of mathematics is tenous, to say the least.
However, I've still got idea whatsoever about hectares - or acres for that matter!
School was feet and inches, miles and leagues, pounds, shillings and pence, pints, quarts and gallons. I had to learn metric all by myself, but thank goodness I did, especially for someone whose grasp of mathematics is tenous, to say the least.
However, I've still got idea whatsoever about hectares - or acres for that matter!

Okay, just because I mentioned hectares is a post (abbreviation is ha).
It's 100 by 100 metre.
Not too difficult :laugh:
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