On line Craig!, what a massive improvement from a month ago. I'm pleased to see progress. Like others say, keep up the pt. 

He had some weird behavior episodes yesterday and today, hallucinations again and staring and not responding, as in me reminding him to put his foot on the pillow to elevate it (he has a pressure ulcer on his heel that was discovered when they took the cast off) and he just sat there and stared at me to the point where I finally got up from working and did it myself. We went through that several times because he kept moving his foot/leg off the pillow. Was about ready to find something and tie the pillow on his leg when he finally quit.
Actually, no. I really was about to tie it to his leg after about the sixth or seventh time. You have no idea about how frustrating it is that he won't or can't follow directions and safety precautions because he either doesn't remember or is having 1 of the episodes and doesn't believe anything you say and calls it a bunch of BS and is being a bit belligerent. I've gotten almost to the point of giving him some of the psych med just to get him to be compliant a couple of times, though I don't want to do that because of the other things it does to him. It can be very hard to convince someone that what they are seeing is really not there, and we've had many discussions about things he sees or believes that are really not there or have not happened. Case in point, when I got in from taking the pugs out this afternoon, he informed me that he had turned off the pot of water he had put on to boil earlier, neither of which happened, and his walker was in the kitchen and he was in the recliner in front of the TV, meaning he had walked from the kitchen to the recliner without his walker, which is a big no, no. And, he didn't believe me about any of it.
He's eating pretty much of everything I fix for him, though not as much as prior to the accident.
It can be very hard to convince someone that what they are seeing is really not there, and we've had many discussions about things he sees or believes that are really not there or have not happened.
DITTOIt's been a few weeks medtran49 I may have missed any updates?? I was just wondering how Craig is now please.
Better and better every day. He's walking pretty well now. A little slow mentally/confused only once in a while now, mostly late afternoon/evening. Next time we are running a local errand, I'm going to let him drive. No expressway driving yet or anytime in the near future, but we'll give local a try after driving around and parking in the clubhouse parking lot as a practice run. Also told him I want him to start cooking some next week, as I'm really getting tired of cooking.
Better and better every day. He's walking pretty well now. A little slow mentally/confused only once in a while now, mostly late afternoon/evening. Next time we are running a local errand, I'm going to let him drive. No expressway driving yet or anytime in the near future, but we'll give local a try after driving around and parking in the clubhouse parking lot as a practice run. Also told him I want him to start cooking some next week, as I'm really getting tired of cooking.