Meet the new MBTA Green Line Type 10 Supercars!!


(Formerly Shermie)
21 Aug 2014
Local time
6:06 AM
Brighton, MA.
Sorry for the fuzzy pic, but last Wednesday, the MBTA has unveiled its new look of the future 3rd generation Type 10 superlong cars for the Green Line! They will be 40 feet longer than the present trolleys in use today. They will have an across-the-board system where the whole car will be an all low-floor one from front to back, a completely new system that will help prevent any collissions for safety, completely enclosed driver compartments with slanted fronts & a host of other amenities that will benefit the riders, up to & including no stairs at the entrance doors, larger doors & passenger windows & much more! First prototype should be delivered sometime in the Spring of 2027 & the whole fleet by 2031. The order for these new cars are for a whopping 102 or more, depending on usage. A simulator should arrive by sometime next year to begin training the drivers. Hopefully, a mockup will be made to show passengers how the cars will look inside & outside!! The main body of the cars will be of gleaming stainless steel. These new cars will eventually replace the present Type 7 & Type 8 cars that are in use now. CAF, the same co. that made the new Viewliner II cars for Amtrak, will make the new trollies. :whistling:
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