How were you able to use metal pans in the microwave?
Well, you can, as explained above in this post.
How were you able to use metal pans in the microwave?
@oddduckThe turntable looks enameled, could that play a part?
I've never actually tried baking cakes in a microwave... won't it explode?
That probably depends on the Mum used to bake lots of cakes in the microwave and most of them were fine. In fact one year she won the chocolate cake class in the village show with a microwaved cake (the local W.I. ladies weren't impressed!)I find the texture goes a bit 'rubbery'.
my Mum used to bake lots of cakes in the microwave and most of them were fine. In fact one year she won the chocolate cake class in the village show with a microwaved cake (the local W.I. ladies weren't impressed!)
@MewmewI've never actually tried baking cakes in a microwave... won't it explode?