Microwave magic?

Morning Glory

Obsessive cook
Staff member
19 Apr 2015
Local time
5:59 AM
Maidstone, Kent, UK
There has been some mention elsewhere on the forum about using microwaves (or in some cases not using them!). A lot of people who consider themselves serious about food scorn microwaves and state that they would never own or use one. There is a mythology that microwaves are only any good for reheating food or cooking ready meals. Is this a kind of snobbery or is it a misconception about the true potential of the microwave?

Now, I am a huge fan of microwaves but I still feel I could use it for more things than I do. A few of the things I do use it for are simply magic:

Cooking whole globe artichokes to perfection in a fraction of the time it takes to boil or steam them
Cooking corn on the cob (ditto)
Making bechamel sauce
Melting chocolate or butter
Steaming vegetables
Heating a lemon or lime to produce more juice
Scrambled eggs (watched like hawk!)
Speeding up proving bread dough
Making treacle sponge pudding

So - are you a fan of the microwave? How do you use it? If you aren't a fan, do you think you could be overlooking its true potential?
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I have a microwave oven but haven't used it much, mainly for heating leftovers and convenience meals, but almost never for any proper cooking
Perhaps that's because I was brought up on traditional cookers, and still treat a microwave oven as something of a novelty. It was interesting that if I wanted to heat up a can of soup or beans I would put them in a pan and heat them on the hotplate, whereas my kids would do that in the microwave

Perhaps that will change now as I've finally got a universal plastic plate cover instead of struggling with an old soup dish, or even nothing, and often having to clean up afterwards

I've tried scrambled eggs, but you're right, you need to concentrate well
So with the above list and a search through YouTube I hope to do more
I honestly can't think of anything I use it for otherwise! I'm not a huge fan of them tbh.
Well that is the point of this thread! You re-iterate what so many people say. I'm hoping to change this and get us thinking creatively.

Here is an interesting quote:
The cooking method that best retains nutrients is one that cooks quickly, heats food for the shortest amount of time and uses as little liquid as possible. Microwaving meets those criteria.
Source: Harvard Medical School Family Health Guide
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Steamed Vegetables - Beautiful color retention and perfect texture
Lemons and limes - something I learned fairly recently
George likes to cook bacon in the microwave

I really should do some research on microwave recipes. It is there - taking up counter space. It would be a good idea to get more use out of it.
I just discovered this: to peel garlic easily, microwave a clove for 12 seconds (might be a bit more or less depending on your oven). Cut the little tip off and the skin slips right off! I just tested this and it works a treat.
Oooh interesting....will have to try to remember that for next year when we harvest our garlic. I like to make a garlic paste and freeze it for easy use later, but peeling so many cloves of garlic is hard hard work.
Wonder if it works on onions too?

I have never made garlic paste. I would like to give that a try. Recipe please and :thankyou:.
Peel garlic. Stick it in food processor and whizz with just enough oil (I use veg oil) to make a coarse paste. Freeze in ice cube trays then transfer to boxes/bags once frozen.
I wondered that - I peel shallots easily by covering in boiling water for 5 minutes.
Yeah that's what we did when we made pickled onions.....took ages tho so I'm on the lookout for easier ways ;-)
A thought has just occurred to me - have microwave ovens made bubble & squeak a thing of the past?

:laugh: Not in this house. I have a recipe to be posted shortly which owes its origins to bubble and squeak! But you are right. The one rather important thing the microwave doesn't do is char or brown the food.
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