Red rice may well have another name, but I can't read Chinese - I just went by the color of the rice in the bag. Unfortunately as noted the pesky mice got to it before I could finish it myself. It has its own properties and taste, but I cook it as I do the white or brown rices.
I meant to make a mention on that mice issue, but forgot. I keep my grains in large glass lock-lid jars (38 Oz. and 67 Oz.) and smaller 16 Oz. Mason and Atlas jars. Stuff that is still in packages that I haven't opened yet are stored in large plastic bins with sealed lids. You can find this sort of glass jars and plastic bins on the web and they are well worth the investment.
The story I can share with you is that I had retrieved a bunch of my things from a storage unit some time ago and within days, found myself invaded by cock roaches. It took me over a month to kill them off. In the meantime, I boosted my storage systems to cut off any chance of them finding food and at the same time, hit the wet areas hard with the bait traps. No more roaches, but a legacy of glass storage and plastic bins.
When it comes to rice, I have sometimes found midge fly larvae spinning silk in the store bought rice. The way to kill these guys off is to freeze the rice.