MorningGlory Status

We've been contacted by a couple of members who would life to donate to flowers/gift/ hamper/care package for MG, so I've opened a donation drive for that purpose. We'll contact her and see what she would prefer or what would be more useful to her and buy what she wants.

Keeping it via CB will give full traceability of donated money, but obviously it does mean PayPal take their usual cut. If you'd prefer to cut PayPal out and you have my bank details, nothing has changed. Just put the ref: MG in so I can tell donations apart.

It can be found under the usual Donation drives tab.
About now, I'm thinking she'd like some wine. 🍷

Drink driving/piloting of a wheelchair with 1 good arm and 1 good leg?

Wheelchairs are hard enough to operate with only 1 good arm and 1 good leg on a hard floor. If she's home and on carpet, she'll be needing something a little more substantial.
Drink driving/piloting of a wheelchair with 1 good arm and 1 good leg?

Wheelchairs are hard enough to operate with only 1 good arm and 1 good leg on a hard floor. If she's home and on carpet, she'll be needing something a little more substantial.
I like your thinking, a stiffener then, whisky? 😂
Hang on now! Morning Glory now has not only a broken leg, but arm as well?
Yes, she has broken both bones in one of her lower legs and I think on the same side the shoulder joint and clavicle, this time around (IIRC). So getting home and mobile is going to be difficult. She was still in hospital yesterday but they are trying to get her home but it requires a lot of coordination and help at home multiple times a day at present.
MG is probably very worried about her partner, Steve. Has family or someone else stepped in to look after him?

He's still at home (I believe) and I know she & family are keen to keep it that way, but getting back to his routine is going to be hard. They had a "dress rehearsal" back at the beginning of the year, so I'd assume that they will fall back on to that with some modifications, but yes, she is very worried about him.

MG is very keen to keep him out of respite care, not just for him and his mental health, but with her immobility, she actually needs his help at home. She's not able to move unaided from chair to bed or to wheelchair and there are doubts at present that the ground floor of her home can accommodate an electric wheelchair as well. She will be confined to the ground floor of her home for the time being. So from her point of view, both of them are better off together at home.

Hence the "care fund" rather than donations for flowers. I felt that even if it was only just a case of getting a hairdresser in or helping to purchase equipment that might help her around the house was more useful than flowers. I've been where she is now, just without the bed sores.

That's as much as I'm happy saying about her condition at present. She'll update or clarify things as and when she feels able to. But suffice to say, this isn't going to be a fast recovery or even as "easy" as her last one sadly and I think we all know she struggled to recover earlier in the year as it was.
Really going through the mill isn't she, bless her :(

Any time we have had to sort out care/mobility assistance we have been pretty lucky, hopefully she will be too.
MG has let me know that she made it home just before last weekend. She's happier and better off at home despite some initial issues but her partner will/is going to be going into respite care for the moment. She's not mobile at all yet though even with an electric wheelchair due to transfer issues between bed and wheelchair etc.
Thank you everyone for all your kind thoughts. Its really appreciated. I don't do well being so dependent on care workers but unfortunately I'm pretty much stuck in that state for at least another 8 weeks, at a guess. Its all dependent on my broken shoulder really, since I can't transfer myself from bed to chair, toilet etc. without being able to use a frame or crutches. Until the shoulder heals I can't use either. But at least I will get better. I miss being able to cook very much...
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