Recipe Mushrooms Himalaya


Legendary Member
Staff member
4 Aug 2021
Local time
7:48 PM
Caracas, Venezuela
This is a recipe I originally made for dinner parties, and then it became a party "snack". I might add that "snacks" here are an integral part of a party. They´re something you graze on while having a few drinks..

Mushrooms Himalaya
1 kg button mushrooms or small cremini mushrooms
250 gms finely diced onion
50 gms ground almonds or cashew nuts
2 hot green chiles, finely diced
2 cloves garlic, minced
10 gms grated ginger
2 tsps garam masala
2 tsps white poppy seeds or sesame seeds
2 tsps ground cumin
3 tsps ground coriander
100 mls water
250 gms cream ( or half cream and half full-fat yoghurt)
1 tsp sea salt
Fresh coriander leaf to decorate
Ghee ( or butter) for frying

  1. Clean the mushrooms with a damp cloth and set aside.
  2. Soak the almonds/cashews in a little water and set aside.
  3. Put some ghee in a pan and gently fry the onions until they are soft.
  4. Put soaked almonds/cashews, with the water, and the softened onions into a blender and blend until smooth. Set aside.
  5. Add some more ghee to the pan and gently fry the green chiles, garlic and ginger. now add the mushrooms and fry gently, turning frequently, until they start to brown. Do not add salt yet. Allow the liquid to reduce.
  6. Once the mushrooms are browned and soft, add the garam masala, poppy/sesame seeds, cumin and coriander powders. Stir for about 30 seconds- 1 minute. Now add the salt and the water and cook through gently for 4-5 minutes.
  7. Beat the cream/ yoghurt and add to the pan bit by bit, stirring frequently. If you´re using yoghurt, this will prevent it from separating. Cook until the sauce thickens a bit, test for seasoning and serve decorated with coriander leaf

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This sounds rather luxurious and its a korma in its way, I think.

How do you 'snack' on it at a party? I mean, its not finger food...
I like the spices you choose, very good combination.
When it's for a dinner party, I would use greeks yogurt instead of the cream, to make a dip with all the other ingredients, then either fill the button mushrooms and roast them in the oven or deep fry the mushrooms in mouth fitting pieces, coated in beer batter/tempura and serve the dip a part. I still love the flavors you've decided on and I believe the mushrooms were fantastic.
button mushrooms and roast them in the oven or deep fry the mushrooms in mouth fitting pieces, coated in beer batter/tempura and serve the dip a part
Yes, I like your ideas - and the yoghurt is something I´d happily use; but deep-frying would change the dish radically. I specifically selected small mushrooms, so that each one would be a bite. Coating them in batter would be a different dish completely. Plus, I´ve never had a battered mushroom that worked for me; the batter slides off. Additionally, cooking the mushrooms WITH the spices means that the mushrooms absorb the flavours. Using the spices in a dip would severely affect the flavour profile.
Yes of course and I didn't wanted to lecture you, maybe an easy breading just with flour, spices, breadcrumbs and parmesan could work out. To be honest, I don't have any experience with deep fried mushrooms.
Not at all - you´re just giving me some new ideas! The idea of deep-fried, breaded mushrooms is very appealing!
I´ve never had a battered mushroom that worked for me; the batter slides off.

I made this one a while ago - Mushroom in beer batter with aioli. Not sure I wrote the recipe down at the time so I'm not sure how I did it - but the batter didn't slide off.

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