My diet limitations/choices


Active Member
28 Jan 2023
Local time
11:51 AM
i'm sure some of you are starting to figure out that i have what most would call a rather unique diet
i eat 0 dairy products, 0 seafood, ( nothing that comes out of the water ) 0 pasta
what i do eat is: pork , beef chicken and turkey
and while i love tomato sauce ,paste and ketchup , i will not eat a sliced tomato
i will try just about any spice known to man
yes i'm a strange grumpy old man , but thats just the way i am
i'm sure some of you are starting to figure out that i have what most would call a rather unique diet
i eat 0 dairy products, 0 seafood, ( nothing that comes out of the water ) 0 pasta
what i do eat is: pork , beef chicken and turkey
and while i love tomato sauce ,paste and ketchup , i will not eat a sliced tomato
i will try just about any spice known to man
yes i'm a strange grumpy old man , but thats just the way i am
Do you eat vegetables?

I don't find you strange at all. We all have our likes and dislikes.
i'm sure some of you are starting to figure out that i have what most would call a rather unique diet
I used to think I was really wierd because I only eat minced meat, am not particularly happy with chicken or turkey, have never eaten a steak in my life, but love fish , seafood and any ( and I mean, all and any) vegetable/fruit you put in front of me. Oh, cheese? Bring it on! English, French, Italian, Spanish, Mexican, Greek, Bulgarian, Venezuelan - bring it on.
Since I've been on this site, I've discovered that actually, I'm probably a bit more adventurous than many.
I completely fail to understand how people cannot stand beetroot, aubergines, olives, blue cheese, seafood and anchovies. :hyper: :laugh: :laugh:
The wonderful thing is that diversity really does exist. There's no rule that says you MUST like this or that, so each to their own.
Because of a traumatic experience in Ohio recently, I've developed a serious aversion to pizza.:hyper::hyper::hyper::hyper:
I used to think I was really wierd because I only eat minced meat, am not particularly happy with chicken or turkey, have never eaten a steak in my life, but love fish , seafood and any ( and I mean, all and any) vegetable/fruit you put in front of me. Oh, cheese? Bring it on! English, French, Italian, Spanish, Mexican, Greek, Bulgarian, Venezuelan - bring it on.
Since I've been on this site, I've discovered that actually, I'm probably a bit more adventurous than many.
I completely fail to understand how people cannot stand beetroot, aubergines, olives, blue cheese, seafood and anchovies. :hyper: :laugh: :laugh:
The wonderful thing is that diversity really does exist. There's no rule that says you MUST like this or that, so each to their own.
Because of a traumatic experience in Ohio recently, I've developed a serious aversion to pizza.:hyper::hyper::hyper::hyper:
I like seafood and olives!
Do you eat vegetables?
yes depending on which ones your talking about ,
now i'll try to give you some explanations, even i think somethings are a bit odd
1st why i won't eat sliced tomato's , when you slice a tomato the inside looks like its still in the larvae stage so the looks of it bothers me ,also if you peel a raw tomato its slimy
fish: i can't stand the smell of any of it
pasta : my mother never cooked pasta in her life , so i was never exposed to it at an early age , also later when i did try it , i did not like the texture of any that i did try
dairy : the story my parents always told was that when i was 6 months old , i threw my bottle out the car window and would never touch milk again, i will however use it in biscuts, cakes and pies
i can however cook BBQ, and steaks with the best of em !! haha
yes depending on which ones your talking about ,
now i'll try to give you some explanations, even i think somethings are a bit odd
1st why i won't eat sliced tomato's , when you slice a tomato the inside looks like its still in the larvae stage so the looks of it bother me ,also if you peel a raw tomato its slimy
fish: i can't stand the smell of any of it
pasta : my mother never cooked pasta in her life , so i was never exposed to it at an early age , also later when i did try it , i did not like the texture of any that i did try
dairy : the story my parents always told was that when i was 6 months old , i threw my bottle out the car window and would never touch milk again, i will however use it in biscuts, cakes and pies
i can however cook BBQ, and steaks with the best of em !! haha
Yeah, I feel the same way as you about some tomatoes. There are many varieties I am not particularly fond of, and the ones grown in hothouses and sold in supermarkets are subpar for the most part. I do love in particular Roma tomatoes. They tend to be drier and less pulpy. But we have such excellent soil here in Ohio that the farmer's market (and my DH's garden) have fantastic tomatoes. I know that when I get a sandwich or a burger at a restaurant I will always skip the tomato, because more often than not it is some watery, pale pink and flavorless imitation of what a good tomato should be that it detracts from the rest of the food.

I dislike milk in general but I love half-and-half and all cheeses. I grew up on a coastal town in Florida on the Gulf of Mexico and the seafood is prevalent and I grew up eating it, so I love seafood to pieces.

Love me a good ribeye or porterhouse, love some good smoked pig, and smoked brisket...yum!

Do you like macaroni and cheese? Not the boxed stuff! You don't like dairy and you don't like pasta, but macaroni and cheese is an American iconic food!
no on the mac and cheese , i really do mean 0 dairy products
when my kids came along i made it a point not to let my way of eating influnce them in any way
all of my wife's have always enjoyed a wide variety of foods so they were exposed to many different foods that they still enjoy
i joined this forum because even though i have a limited pallet , i like reading many of the posts and some times i will see something and think i could modify it to suit me ,
Since I've been on this site, I've discovered that actually, I'm probably a bit more adventurous than many.
It’s interesting, isn’t it? Some days, I feel like I’m probably not that adventurous, not based on any given type of food, but more along the idea that I have to have a reason to think I’m going to like something new before I’ll try it. I’m not someone who’ll ever say, “Oh look at this thing with ingredients I’ve never heard of or seen before that everyone is trying! Let me at it!” Nope. Not me.

That said, when I sit down and think about all the stuff I do like to eat, it’s still a lot of variety, and a lot more than my siblings.

I have one brother, he’s a glutton. He’ll eat anything. Doesn’t matter. He’ll at least try it. My mom is the same way. Even if you make a dish solely out of ingredients she knows she hates, she’ll try it. She can’t help herself. The idea that there’s something that’s potentially delicious that she hasn’t had is too much temptation.

I have one brother at the other extreme - he eats pasta (either with a plain tomato sauce, cheese sauce, or buttered noodles), plain hamburgers and hot dogs, french fries and mashed potatoes, and that’s about it. No vegetables. No fruit. I rarely see him actually eat anything.

The rest are typical people who eat more or less what they were raised with, maybe one or two other things that they’ve encountered out in the world (like shrimp…shrimp is fancy exotic food to my family, like what presidents and royalty eat), and that’s it. When I send pics to my siblings of things I’ve made here, I feel like Andrew Zimmern, like I’m sharing the weirdest foods as a personal challenge to them.

“I made stuffed peppers.”
“Those look great! What are they stuffed with? I used to love Grandmom’s stuffed peppers!”
“Italian sausage and couscous.”
“Oh. I don’t think I would eat that. That sounds gross. What’s couscous?”

That was the reaction to my peppers last night. :laugh:
I'll try almost anything, but I do struggle with anything offal (is it really a coincidence that the word offal sounds like the Dutch word "afval", meaning "garbage")
Although I like liver pate and I will use intestines as casing for sausages.
I'll try almost anything, but I do struggle with anything offal (is it really a coincidence that the word offal sounds like the Dutch word "afval", meaning "garbage")
Although I like liver pate and I will use intestines as casing for sausages.
You aren't alone. There seem to be many people in the Western world who share this view. I wasn't brought up eating offal and indeed, I was vegetarian for many years but I do really love the taste of offal. There would be no Haggis without offal!
Offal is a tough one.
I wonder whether it's the "EUGHH!"factor, thinking that you're eating an animal's stomach, or brain, or liver, or testicles, or whether it's the actual flavour. I remember eating liver and onions for school dinners in the 60s, because the liver wasn't chewy - the meat was. I'll happily eat paté (in fact, paté de foie gras is one of the most delicious things ever) and I once had a faceful of Haggis - not bad, until I was sick as a dog about an hour later. Never ever thought that British bangers were intestines filled with minced meat - again , the texture - but it never bothered me. Strange, isn't it?
I'll try almost anything, but I do struggle with anything offal (is it really a coincidence that the word offal sounds like the Dutch word "afval", meaning "garbage")
Although I like liver pate and I will use intestines as casing for sausages.
Yes, it's a running joke in my family that offal is awful. I am not a fan of pate and I prefer no casings on my sausage!
I'm in agreement with all. Everyone has their own likes and dislikes for whatever their own reasons.
I've come to the conclusion a few years back that milk is not my friend and I think it had to do with an on-going GI problem that is now fixed, but still, it's in the back of my brain that I'll wind up being sick.
Cheese has a category of it's own! LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!
Other than that, I'll eat pretty much whatever is put in front of me, so long as I'm not allergic to it.
As to fruit & veg, I'm more of a veg gal, as my sister is the fruit girl, ask my Mom, she said we've always been that way.
I'm very picky about fruit, having spent most of my summers growing up in "The Food Basket Of The World" - fantastic fresh fruits in the San Juaquin Valley California! The first time I took my DH, he bought TWO CASES of assorted fruits right at the farm-of course my mother and her friend knew these folks all of their lives and cut us a great deal $5/case!!
Oh wait.
I do not like:
Offal (but I do love Pate), My Mother MADE us kids eat Liver & Onions once a week, `cuz the doc's of the day said that's what kids should eat
Little Fish aka Mackerel, Herring, Anchovies-whole (paste in a dish is okay), Sardines
Not a fan of any sort of Melon!

And as a side note, I have no dietary restrictions imposed upon me due to health, other than some Seafoods.
I'm in agreement with all. Everyone has their own likes and dislikes for whatever their own reasons.
I've come to the conclusion a few years back that milk is not my friend and I think it had to do with an on-going GI problem that is now fixed, but still, it's in the back of my brain that I'll wind up being sick.
Cheese has a category of it's own! LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!
Other than that, I'll eat pretty much whatever is put in front of me, so long as I'm not allergic to it.
As to fruit & veg, I'm more of a veg gal, as my sister is the fruit girl, ask my Mom, she said we've always been that way.
I'm very picky about fruit, having spent most of my summers growing up in "The Food Basket Of The World" - fantastic fresh fruits in the San Juaquin Valley California! The first time I took my DH, he bought TWO CASES of assorted fruits right at the farm-of course my mother and her friend knew these folks all of their lives and cut us a great deal $5/case!!
Oh wait.
I do not like:
Offal (but I do love Pate), My Mother MADE us kids eat Liver & Onions once a week, `cuz the doc's of the day said that's what kids should eat
Little Fish aka Mackerel, Herring, Anchovies-whole (paste in a dish is okay), Sardines
Not a fan of any sort of Melon!

And as a side note, I have no dietary restrictions imposed upon me due to health, other than some Seafoods.
Yeah I don't like plain cow's milk (I will cook with it) but I like plant-based milks with cereal on the rare occasions I eat cereal. I adore cheese other than blue. I'm with you on the eggplants, little fishes, and obviously offal. Cauliflower tastes similar to broccoli and cabbage to me. I only like watermelon but no cantaloupe, honey dew, etc.
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