my family got a little bigger.
Lucky boy!
my family got a little bigger.
We play euchre here, friends for dinner last sat, then 3 games of euchre. It's always a laugh, my partner is my friends wife. We won 3 -0.
We play Euchre in Guernsey too. But I wouldn't mind betting your rules are slightly different to ours, there always seems to be a different version wherever it is played.
With us the Benny (joker) is high, then right bower, left bower, Ace etc.
Cards are dealt in any combination of three or two to give a total of 5 cards and the top card on the deck is turned over.
First round of bidding your first opponent can order you up with help or alone or pass, your partner can turn you down and go alone and then your second opponent has the same choices as the first. You (the dealer) then have the option of picking up either with help or alone or turning down the card (passing). On the second round of bidding your first opponent can make trumps alone or with help or pass. Your partner can then make trumps alone, with help or pass, the second opponent then has the same choice as the first. Finally you get the choice of making trumps either alone or with help or passing. No one is allowed to choose the suit of the recently turned down card. If you pass the cards are folded and the next player shuffles and deals.
If Benny is turned up on the deal the dealer has to automatically make trumps without looking at his other cards and pick up the benny. Once the dealer has picked up the benny he can then look at his cards, discard one and then decide if they wish to go alone or with help.
Play then continues. You have to follow what is lead if you can or you have reneged and forfeited the hand and the other team gets two points..
If you have called trumps then you have to make at least three tricks or you are euchred and the other team gets two points. If you make three or four tricks that is a point, all five tricks is a march, two points. And a march when going alone is four points.
Havnt been to Vegas yet.......but it's on my bucket list!
You guys would probably love it. It's like Disneyland for adults, but sparklier, and with alcohol. lol
Mine too. I love to gamble.![]()
I never picked you for a gambler? I love a bet on the horses, and roulette. Lol.