Recipe My (forever) pizza dough recipe

Thanks! I bought it back in October from Amazon (@medtran bought it for me and I paid her back--thanks MT). It truly makes all the difference!
I exclusively use King Arthur's flour. It's a little bit more money, but it really is great quality flour. There's a reason that a bag of the same amount of flour is dirt cheap at the grocery store, you don't want to to mess with that stuff. (especially if you're making or feeding a starter.
I exclusively use King Arthur's flour. It's a little bit more money, but it really is great quality flour. There's a reason that a bag of the same amount of flour is dirt cheap at the grocery store, you don't want to to mess with that stuff. (especially if you're making or feeding a starter.
The dirt cheap one gets used for roux... 👍
I exclusively use King Arthur's flour. It's a little bit more money, but it really is great quality flour. There's a reason that a bag of the same amount of flour is dirt cheap at the grocery store, you don't want to to mess with that stuff. (especially if you're making or feeding a starter.
No we were talking about the diastatic malt powder. KA flour is easily available in the grocery stores and I've been buying it for years.

Edit: Remember I use the KA rye for my starter which you were unsuccessful with?
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this is my 'same day' crust - turned out a bit blonde. I preheat the oven&stone to 500'F but reduce to 450'F when the pizza goes in . . . this time I reduced to 425'F - hmmmm,

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I brush the edges with a mix of butter and olive oil to help brown it. Always did that with my old same day crust, but this Puggles recipe is so much better!
No we were talking about the diastatic malt powder. KA flour is easily available in the grocery stores and I've been buying it for years.

Edit: Remember I use the KA rye for my starter which you were unsuccessful with?
Yea, the version I did with rye flour didn't work for me.
I brush the edges with a mix of butter and olive oil to help brown it. Always did that with my old same day crust, but this Puggles recipe is so much better!
Bit about browning here.
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