My freezer Inventory

Yeah, here in the Midwest, corn is no filler or kids' food, it's King! Maybe the only thing that'll rival it during the summer months is a good ripe summer tomato, and even then, I wouldn't count corn out.

When we were kids, we'd have corn on the cob more often than not, and the real treat was to get a thick slice of bread, put a lot of butter on it, then use that buttered bread to butter your ear of corn. The heat from the corn would melt the butter into the bread, and when you were done buttering...oh my, what a delicious side-product that bread and butter was! Delicious 😋

When it was time to can corn for the winter...shuck, shuck, shuck, on the front porch. Everybody helped. There'd be 10 of us involved, some shucking, some cutting, and some canning, and we'd go through a lot of cornhuskers' lotion by the end of the day, bottles of it.
I've conjured up your picture, great story.

Same kind of thing here. I have a chest freezer, and two small freezers.

Chest freezer:
- Organic beef mince and chuck steak
- Rabbit fillets
- Smoked salmon and salmon fillets
- Prawns
- Bacon
- Frozen cheddar
- Large bags of peppers, peas, cauliflower and pre cut onions
- Blueberries and mango cubes
- Snacks like cheese croquettes and fish fingers
- Big bag of fries
- Frozen wraps and pizza dough
- Bread
- Gyoza and pierogi

Freezer 1:
- Frozen spinach
- Hamburger buns
- Organic chicken thighs, wings, fillets, drumsticks

Freezer 2:
- Frozen avocado
- Cranberries
- Peas
- Herbs and chillies
- Lemongrass and peteh beans
- Ice cream
I have a friend who freezes avocado. She likes to just eat it. She mashes it with salt and pepper plus some lime juice, as that's how she likes to eat it, then freezes it in portion sizes. She swears it freezes just fine like that. When we lived in the house with the avocado tree, she would take as many as she could get.
I have a friend who freezes avocado. She likes to just eat it. She mashes it with salt and pepper plus some lime juice, as that's how she likes to eat it, then freezes it in portion sizes. She swears it freezes just fine like that. When we lived in the house with the avocado tree, she would take as many as she could get.

Worth knowing as sometimes I buy an avocado and then realise its going to go past its best before I use it.
Here's mine, just a bottom freezer on a fridge-freezer combo. I gave my full-sized upright freezer away years ago:

Ice cream
Bag of ice
Home ice
Green beans
Chuck roast
Pie crust
Puff pastry
Italian sausage
Pearl onions
Sliced ham
Breakfast sausage links
Breakfast sausage roll
Peas & Carrots
Meat pie filling

The big bag of ice, the popsicles, the ice cream, and the cassoulet have all been...disposed of.
Nothing dated.:ohmy:

I'll risk it. Otherwise I have to chuck everything, more or less.

My understanding is that flavour can deteriorate but bacteria is less likely. We will see...

...if I suddenly go silent. :D

It is a flavor and texture issue.
Even in a manual defrost freezer food will get "freezer burn". With fish and seafood it is texture that suffers.
Strange to me as corn something I rarely eat - its usually eaten in the UK either whole fresh on the cob and grilled or as a side (frozen or tinned). The latter is usually regarded as kids food or maybe a filler for cheap student meals. Perhaps I am being unfair and there are lots of other ways its used in the UK. Correct me if I am wrong, someone!

I'm not a big fan as I don't like the sweet taste but I do appreciate that it can be used in many ways.

Growing up Dad always had corn in his garden. I well remember sitting on the back steps shucking and cutting corn. As a very young child Mom would make corn husk dolls for us to play with while she and Dad shucked and cut.

The BEST corn I have ever eaten is Colorado Sweet Corn. It is a late season corn - I keep an eye out for it in August.
As a very young child Mom would make corn husk dolls for us to play with while she and Dad shucked and cut.

Thanks for that memory. My parents used to buy 1 for me when we'd go to the Cherokee Indian Reservation in North Carolina when I was a child. Before we had Interstates, we had to drive from Western Kentucky into Tennessee, then up over the Smokey Mountains to get to the town where my dad's mother lived when we went to visit her. There were all kinds of pottery, homespun decor/toys/etc, canned food places to shop along the way.
I have three freezers - one is attached to my 32 inch wide fridge (and is a bottom freezer as that's more convenient for finding food in the fridge portion, being above that. I opted not to connect the ice maker which give me more freezer space.

Second freezer is a five foot or less upright in the pantry.

Third freezer is a chest freezer in the basement.

Why so many? I prefer to cook and eat locavore meats from local folk, or in some cases I want meat that I know was pasture raised. I also can veggies, and if something doesn't seal properly, it needs to end up in the freezer. Or if I simply blanch and freeze... I also like making stocks - 1) poultry stocks, 2) pork stocks, 3) any other type of mammal stocks, 4) vegetarian stocks. I've actually gone through a lot of the stocks of these sorts I've made recently, so I am saving up bones and odd bits from veggies. Most of the odd veggie bits do go down to the chickens, but they should really limit their allium intake, so that's the main ingredient (usually) reserved here for stock making. But I do make exceptions when I know I am going to want a veggie stock SOON.

Last year I purchased half a porker, and next week I am picking up half a lamb plus whatever odd parts are roaming around. (Kidneys, hearts...)

As soon as I can get my copy paste working to paste logically from Excel to here, I'll post some of my freezer contents.
I have three freezers - one is attached to my 32 inch wide fridge (and is a bottom freezer as that's more convenient for finding food in the fridge portion, being above that. I opted not to connect the ice maker which give me more freezer space.

Second freezer is a five foot or less upright in the pantry.

Third freezer is a chest freezer in the basement.

That's a lot of freezer, for sure.
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