New Chooks/Chickens names needed

Whoops, didn’t realize you already had a Lily - I need to read more carefully!

I like old-fashioned women’s names - you could call them Myrtle (also a flower!), Doris, Prudence, Mildred, and Beatrice.
I like old-fashioned women’s names - you could call them Myrtle (also a flower!), Doris, Prudence, Mildred, and Beatrice.
We have decided that we really like this idea and have started a list
  • Nellie (after my great grandmother, mamgu)
  • Doris (one of hubby's relatives)
  • ?
  • ?
  • ?
We have decided that we really like this idea and have started a list
  • Nellie (after my great grandmother, mamgu)
  • Doris (one of hubby's relatives)
  • ?
  • ?
  • ?
Ina, Ida, Goldie, Ella, Pearl…all names of women in my family from generations past.
Some more old-fashioned women’s names:

Peggy (my great-grandmother’s name)
Muriel (my grandmother’s best friend’s name)
No family names
Peggy, Carla, grace, Lea, Laura, momo, Kate, Joyce, Mulan, Bibi, Tina, Vicki, Melli, Maya
We have decided that we really like this idea and have started a list
  • Nellie (after my great grandmother, mamgu)
  • Doris (one of hubby's relatives)
  • ?
  • ?
  • ?
The final role call will be
  • Nellie
  • Doris
  • Hattie
  • Muriel
  • Cassandra
Thank you everyone.

Now to work out how to tell the girls apart!
I was going to suggest Lilly. Oh well to late.
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