Hmmm. Simon Hopkinson. Ever heard of him? I did recognise his face, so I have seen him before, but that is definitely the first time that I have caught on to his name, and the first time I have switched on to his cooking. Apparently, he's a food writer, like Nigel Slater, and the whole style of presentation of him cooking his dish was very reminiscent of the style used with Nigel Slater. Anyway, I just watched him on Saturday Kitchen, and take a guess what he cooked. The clue is in the thread I am posting this on. And, maybe I'm just a sucker for the style of presentation, but he certainly made Coq au Vin seem like a dish I have to have a go at. Wait a minute, I already did. Yeah, but not like this.
So first thing, like
@morning glory, he did reduce the wine first, but beyond simply reducing the wine, his marinade was a recipe in itself. And, he did burn off the alcohol and explained exactly why you should. Another interesting thing he did - authentically French according to him - was garnish it with triangles of fried bread edged in chopped curly leaf parsley.
Anyway, I tried to find the recipe online, and I found a link to it, but the link doesn't work. I have noted the whole thing down and am perfectly willing to post it up here if anyone is interested. It would, of course, be my attempt at noting it down rather than his actual recipe.