New Year’s Eve/Day menu

During the day we put together the meat sauce for the lasagna and the crepes ; only the bechamel to be done tomorrow.
Apple & olive cake is done. Cucumber jelly for the salmon - done. Another (Italian sweet/sour aubergines) appetizer -done.
Front patio furniture - all repainted. Light to shine brightly on the front lawn - installed.
The only thing to make from scratch tomorrow is the courgette & marinated bocconcini salad, which takes no time at all.
Time for a cold one!
I got my sweet snacks for tonight done ☺️
Cinnamon apple beignets and fried banana
The punch is gone, and I’m please to report there have been but two minor punch-related incidents (unlike the shower rod debacle of a few years ago).

First, I failed to properly screw the pickle jar lid on, and then for reasons know only to the Punch Gods, I decided to turn the jar on its side before putting it back in the fridge - pickle juice down me pant leg and all over the floor.

Second, I went for the large jar of sauerkraut in the cupboard, somehow knocking out the box of Bigga marrowfat peas…directly onto my freshly-refreshed glass o’ punch, spilling its contents all over the countertop. That one really hurt.
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