I'm not even a "person" to my family. I only exist to be their emotional and physical punching bag. It was hard estranging from them but I had to do it to save my sanity (insert brain fog joke here ;-). I also did it to protect my children from witnessing it. I know it's tough, but that's what makes us survivors.Less than 3 hrs here. I'll see it in bed hopefully, though the last few nights have been patchy and midnight seen for most of the last week. We're both exhausted from the day out (combined with an eyesight test), so there is a chance of this storm quietens down.
None of my family will bother wishing me a happy New Year in the morning. They didn't on Christmas day, our wedding anniversary or even my birthday. As far as they are concerned the only timezone that exists is theirs. After nearly 5 years of being polite about it, it is beginning to hurt. Even my in-laws rang me on my birthday in my timezone and wished me happy birthday (this year like all of them since we came to Australia) . Yet my own family seem to think that it's fine to wish me happy birthday/Merry Christmas/ happy New Year a day late. I don't understand it.
Perhaps my new years resolution should be to actually tell my family ... not much point though. It won't get anywhere....
And on that bright note...
I'm hoping that this new year will bring you peace. You are not alone.