No olives please

I've known the basics of a Mediterranean Diet for ages, but thought I'd get into it more

I have a few recipes in general cookery books, but I've also bought a recipe book (BBC 101 Mediterranean Dishes), and I'm more or less ready to start - but I have a problem

I don't like olives!
I don't like the sour taste. I can just about stomach one that's been sliced fine in a salad so that the taste is diluted, but even so I can't help thinking 'why should I make myself eat something I don't enjoy?'

So, can you think of an way to stop them being so awful; or a substitute; or perhaps I'll just leave them out?

I can't think of any subsitutes and there are plenty of Mediterranean recipes that don't use olives so you should be fine. Before you give up on olives completely, I would suggest finding a specialist vendor and having a tasting session. Lots of food markets have them, and they offer a huge range (sold loose) of fantastic olives that bear little resemblance to those that come in a jar. Have you tried olive tapenade? I certainly wouldn't call that 'sour'.
I'm allergic to me the hives...lots of veggie meat substitutes use olives as a colorant to make their patties brown...always have to read labels.
'm allergic to me the hives

Oh my gosh! I had hives recently for the first time ever. It was horrible. It went on for 10 days and went as quickly as it came. I didn't realise it was possible to itch so much, in so many parts of the body, at the same time.
Oh my gosh! I had hives recently for the first time ever. It was horrible. It went on for 10 days and went as quickly as it came. I didn't realise it was possible to itch so much, in so many parts of the body, at the same time.

I hate itches. Never heard of anyone I know having hives.

I hate itches. Never heard of anyone I know having hives.


Well I hope you never get hives - it nearly drove me insane. Even the soles of my feet itched! Terrible rashes all over too. Hives (also called Urticaria) can be triggered by an allergic reaction to certain foods or other things. I've no idea what caused mine. My doc prescribed anti-hitamines but by the time I got the prescription the hives had disappeared!
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Well I hope you never get hives - it nearly drove me insane. Even the soles of my feet itched! Terrible rashes all over too. Hives (also called Urticaria) can be triggered by an allergic reaction to certain foods or other things. I've no idea what caused mine. My doc prescribed anti-hitamines but by the time I got the prescription the hives had disappeared!

Unreal, hope I never get it then. My brother once had shingles, was off work for about 3 months from memory.

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