Beginners luck I think! Becoming obsessed with my potatoes though.How wonderful - you are dong incredibly well for a novice!
Beginners luck I think! Becoming obsessed with my potatoes though.How wonderful - you are dong incredibly well for a novice!
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Beginners luck I think! Becoming obsessed with my potatoes though.
Well potatoes are grown but not ready for harvesting. Herbs are doing well. Courgette and squash about to be planted outside in the raised beds. Radish growing, beetroot popping up. Tomatoes and cucumber in the glasshouse. Fennel, carrots and cabbage in.
Last but not least sweetpeas so that I have lovely scented flowers for the house.
I love beetroot!
For the first time I’m growing vegetables. This is more an attempt to manage my stress levels and auto immune disorder than anything else. I’m ridiculous excited about my potatoes - which seem to be growing!