My real peeve about supermarkets is where you see someone go up to an item - for example, a tub of cream cheese - take the lid off, scoop some out to taste it, and then put the tub back on the shelf. Absolutely disgusting, and yet another reason why I do not normally buy my food from a supermarket but mainly only use it for non-food items, and even then I usually shop on-line.
I can’t believe how many people can’t leave their dogs at home.
I very occasionally have my dog with me when I go to any shop and leave him in the car, but it's usually when I'm on my way home and will only be when I want one or two specific items that I can grab, pay for and get out very quickly, or when I go to get petrol on my way out somewhere. I don't leave him in the car if it is very hot or very cold out. I have been known to take him up to the security guard on the door of the supermarket and hand the guard his lead..... Also I have now learned which shops I can take the dog into while I do my shopping.
My biggest pet peeve: the obviously retired people who do their shopping (very slowly) at the weekend. If I didn't have to work then I'd be doing my shopping during the week when its quieter...why subject yourself to the zoo that is a supermarket on a Saturday unless you really have to?
How do you know they are retired? I am nearly 70 and no longer work, but I know plenty of people older than me who still do. If I still worked, I would rather go to the supermarket at the weekend than brave going to the ones in this area in the evenings, especially when it is dark. On one occasion recently I had to pop to our local Sainsbury's at 9.30 pm. I was approached by a group of teenagers and did not like the look of them at all. One asked me what the time was, presumably hoping I'd get my phone out to have a look. Well they were wrong - I would never get my phone out if someone asked me the time. I take an educated guess at what it is.I never carry a handbag, or a purse, and keep my debit card well and truly hidden until I need to use it. I also have the dog with me if is is late.
Going to our local Tesco's is a nightmare during the week - I can see it from my window, yet it is a two mile round trip thanks to the road layout (or a four bus journey there and back) and because of the sheer volume of traffic round our way it can take up to 2 hours to drive there and back without allowing time to do any shopping. Weekends are a lot quieter in comparison.