Recipe Orange Meringue Pie


Staff member
11 Oct 2012
Local time
8:23 AM
SE Australia
I know what you're thinking. She's making it up. But I promise i'm not. I found this recipe in amongst my late Grannie's recipes. I'm guessing it's from the 1980/90's maybe? going by the picture on the back of the recipe. It has come off a box of eggs.

175g (6 oz) shortcrust pastry
50g (2oz) Cornflour (UK term so think corn starch if you're in USA)
300ml (½ pint) water
25g (1oz) butter
1 large or 2 small oranges, rind and juice
2 eggs separated
175g (6oz) caster sugar

  1. Roll out the pastry and use it to like a 20cm (8 inch) fluted flan ring/dish. Stab the base of pastry with a fork evenly & repeatedly all over.
  2. Bake "blind" in a pre-heated oven at 200°C/400°F/Gas Mark 6 for 15-20 minutes. Remove paper & baking beans and bake for a further 5 minutes.
  3. Remove from oven and allow to cool.
  4. Blend the cornflour with a little water in a small pan, stirring well to ensure no lumps. Add the remaining water and slowly bring to the boil stirring continuously. Cook for 3-5 minutes stirring all of the time.
  5. Remove from heat, add the butter, orange juice, orange zest, egg yolks and 50g (2oz) of sugar and mix well. Pour the mixture into the flan case.
  6. Whisk the egg whites until stiff and beat in half of the remaing sugar. Carefully fold in the other half of the sugar and spoon the menngue over the pie filling.
  7. Return to the oven (now at 160°C (325°F/Gas Mark 3) for 20 minutes.
  8. Serve hot or cold as preferred.

Stab the base of pastry with a fork evenly & repeatedly all over.
Most people would say “prick the pastry,” or if they wanted to be a little cheffy, they might say “dock the pastry.”

I must say, I respect how you dispensed with all subtleties and went right for the stabbing. I’m assuming, of course, that you didn’t squeeze the juice from the oranges, you strangled it out of them! :laugh:
I must say, I respect how you dispensed with all subtleties and went right for the stabbing. I’m assuming, of course, that you didn’t squeeze the juice from the oranges, you strangled it out of them! :laugh:


I didn't get much sleep last night so strangling and stabbing are most certainly the correct verbs today!
I know what you're thinking. She's making it up. But I promise i'm not. I found this recipe in amongst my late Grannie's recipes. I'm guessing it's from the 1980/90's maybe? going by the picture on the back of the recipe. It has come off a box of eggs.

175g (6 oz) shortcrust pastry
50g (2oz) Cornflour (UK term so think corn starch if you're in USA)
300ml (½ pint) water
25g (1oz) butter
1 large or 2 small oranges, rind and juice
2 eggs separated
175g (6oz) caster sugar

  1. Roll out the pastry and use it to like a 20cm (8 inch) fluted flan ring/dish. Stab the base of pastry with a fork evenly & repeatedly all over.
  2. Bake "blind" in a pre-heated oven at 200°C/400°F/Gas Mark 6 for 15-20 minutes. Remove paper & baking beans and bake for a further 5 minutes.
  3. Remove from oven and allow to cool.
  4. Blend the cornflour with a little water in a small pan, stirring well to ensure no lumps. Add the remaining water and slowly bring to the boil stirring continuously. Cook for 3-5 minutes stirring all of the time.
  5. Remove from heat, add the butter, orange juice, orange zest, egg yolks and 50g (2oz) of sugar and mix well. Pour the mixture into the flan case.
  6. Whisk the egg whites until stiff and beat in half of the remaing sugar. Carefully fold in the other half of the sugar and spoon the menngue over the pie filling.
  7. Return to the oven (now at 160°C (325°F/Gas Mark 3) for 20 minutes.
  8. Serve hot or cold as preferred.

View attachment 95759
Even if you were making it up, so what? I don't think you are of course. Sounds very nice.
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