Forum GOD!
So I checked my cookbooks (all 14 of themand found three pâté recipes and one terrine.
One pâté recipe was in that old German cookbook, and another was in. Pepin cookbook. No surprises for those two.
The third one, and the terrine, were in a 1980's edition of The Betty Crocker Cookbook. For those not in the know, Betty Crocker is an iconic American brand, and their cookbooks have been around since maybe the 1930's or so, updated as food fashions change, and are meant to represent a good cross-section of "American" cooking. For many people, it's their first "real" cookbook, and they used to be commonly given to new homemakers/brides.
In that cookbook, the pâté is a cheese one, no meat.
Betty Crocker is well known here, we used to have cake mixes with her brand. I've just inherited some old books so I'll have a look at those as well.
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