Recipe Pain perdu with strawberries and tonka bean

Morning Glory

Obsessive cook
Staff member
19 Apr 2015
Local time
11:03 AM
Maidstone, Kent, UK
Absolute indulgence here. If you can’t obtain tonka beans substitute a little vanilla essence and cinnamon.


Ingredients (serves 2)
4 slices of brioche
2 eggs
120 ml milk
A few gratings of tonka bean
Mascarpone (to spread)
6 large strawberries (sliced)
Butter for frying
Icing sugar to sprinkle
Honey to drizzle

  1. Beat the eggs and milk together in a shallow dish. Add a few gratings of tonka bean and mix well.
  2. For each pain perdu, spread a slice of brioche with mascarpone and add a layer of sliced strawberries. Place a second slice of brioche on top to form a sandwich. Press down lightly secure the filling.
  3. Place each sandwich in the egg and milk mix and leave for a minute to soak. Turn and soak the other side of the sandwich for a minute.
  4. Heat butter in a frying pan until it begins to foam. Gently fry each sandwich over a medium low heat, turning once so that both sides are golden brown.
  5. To serve, dredge with icing sugar and drizzle honey over the top.

I can only guess. It would be hard to remove the dairy from that dish and end up with something comparable sadly. I haven't had brioche in a very long time.

Brioche could be made with egg, nut milk and something like Tomor margarine (I've used the latter to make croissants).

The mascarpone would need to be replaced by a dairy free cream cheese.
Tomor margarine
There's nothing like that in Australia.
Can't yet get flora plant based marg yet. Nuttlex is one alternative but it has a taste peculiar to itself. I'm not a fan of it. There's a solid bar thing similar to Stork, but it's white and coconut oil based. It's called Copha. It has the usual solidity to it that coconut oil has from a fridge. It's 99% coconut oil and 1% soybean lecithin.

I usually end up making my own cultured vegan butter using homemade soy yoghurt. It adds that flavour that is often missing from vegan butter.

The best I could hope for would be to make my own vegan butter from scratch before making my own brioche, before starting your recipe. And if I've gone that far, I may as well make my own mascarpone to avoid the dairy.

But I certainly don't have time before I fly on Friday sadly.
We can use Tonka beans almost with everything and we don't take it as a drug, that would be way to expensive
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