I should also point out that having answered this for this moment in time m there are currently 4 adults living in this household and I only have enough bedding for 1 bed being changed once a week and that being being done once a fortnight. Right now is the reserve (being being done once a week) simply because of a lack of bedding. I have 4 adults in the house for all of November.
The extra load of clothes is also because of 4 adults and 6 'sick' chickens which need their legs doing twice a day. They are not impressed and others in the household expect us the be wearing cleaner clothes in their presence . Ordinarily, I'd just wear the dirty clothes for a couple of days until someone next was going to see me, other than hubby. But if I'd been home rather than in hospital ,the chickens wouldn't be needing their legs doing, but that is another story entirely !