Recipe Pesto with Almonds


Forum GOD!
Staff member
4 Aug 2021
Local time
10:54 PM
Caracas, Venezuela
I grow a load of basil in the garden. When pine nuts became prohibitively expensive, I discovered this version with almonds and it works a treat.

100 gms basil leaves
50 gms slivered almonds
5 medium cloves garlic
2½ tbsps parmesan cheese
150 - 160 mls extra virgin olive oil
1½ tsps salt
1 tsp freshly ground black pepper

Really simple. Put all the ingredients into a blender or food processor and blend, adding the oil bit by bit, until you get a smooth paste.
Put the pesto into sterilised jars and drizzle enough olive oil on top to cover. Keep in the fridge and it will last for months.

Pesto in jars.JPG
I use all sorts of nuts (macadamia or walnuts are 2 good ones to try) and I often just freeze the resulting pesto because I have more space in the freezer and I've found that if my oil sets solid in the fridge, it pulls back from the sides and doesn't seal properly. So freezing addresses the issues of things being unsealed and not frozen.... I've got pesto in there that's at least 18 months old.
I use all sorts of nuts (macadamia or walnuts are 2 good ones to try) and I often just freeze the resulting pesto because I have more space in the freezer and I've found that if my oil sets solid in the fridge, it pulls back from the sides and doesn't seal properly. So freezing addresses the issues of things being unsealed and not frozen.... I've got pesto in there that's at least 18 months old.
Me too!
Never tried macadamia nuts because they're almost impossible to find here, but I did once make pesto with walnuts, and found the nuts to be a bit too invasive in flavour. I love walnuts, but not in pesto.
I don't love walnuts and I like almonds okay but I also think those are a bit too intrusive. I usually use cashews or macadamia nuts if I don't have pine nuts, and yes, they are expensive but that's okay. Pine nuts are delicious!
Never tried macadamia nuts because they're almost impossible to find here, but I did once make pesto with walnuts, and found the nuts to be a bit too invasive in flavour. I love walnuts, but not in pesto.
I typically don't have a good supply of basil and use other stronger greens such as wild rocket or warrigal greens. They both pair with walnuts (and no cheese) exceptionally well.
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