Pizza with spaghetti

Pizza...I didn't have pizza in a looong good while...trying really hard to remember...if it was September last year?...10 ? More months ago?I might make a gluten free one this or next week...
Was expecting a murican reply to this?? Lmao.

Eat what you want, but don't expect me to eat it or watch you eat it.

I make spaghetti pie every now and again, especially when I ask Craig to cook the spaghetti and he forgets to only make half the box. But it uses spaghetti mixed with eggs, and cheese as the actual base in a pie dish, then sauce, toppings, and more cheese, so spaghetti pie, but not spaghetti pizza pie. Guess that's clear as mud.
I’m having pizza. In the next couple of days.
Ordered a gluten free flatbread as they are preferable to the other gluten free offerings.
Will add a layer of garlic butter on the bread before the passata which I really enjoy and this time I’ll be having king prawns and spinach.

Important with the prawn pizza to place the prawns under the cheese as it protects them from over cooking and becoming rubbery which is definitely a sin in my book 😂
Every now n then I make a pizza the way I really like it.
When I first had a pizza as a child I wasn’t impressed, to me it was like a mean soggy in the middle cheese on toast. Mean because cheese on toast was always stacked high with cheese corner to corner where as pizza involved a dry bread crust, a lot less cheese, scant topping and thin coating of tomato that in no way made up for what I considered a cheating amount of cheese 😂

Since then as pizza has improved vastly here I now enjoy it but even now I still view it as cheese on toast with extra toppings so when I make my own I still make it edge to edge covered and make sure there’s nothing mean about it 😆

This is King Prawn, Spinach and Red Pepper.

The base is coated edge to edge with garlic butter before anything else goes on and that gives a nice golden crunchy buttery crust.
There’s a thin layer of passata which does not make the base wet due to the butter waterproofing it.
Then finely chopped spinach in decent sized clusters with dots of pesto here n there.
The final layer of peppers and King prawns have been squeezed in kitchen towel to prevent any wet pools in the pizza, it also seems to soften the pepper slightly before cooking.
Finally some tiny dots of Marie Rose sauce before the cheese coating.


Cheesed, pressed down firmly and almost ready to go except I like a crispy edge and with this thickness of topping only pre slicing before cooking will prevent a soggy middle, the butter gives a lovely crunchy all round edge as well as a bonus bit of structural integrity. Casualties fallen from cutting the sides are pressed back in to give sharper edges.

Ready for the air fryer. If you are unfortunate enough to be gluten free a good way to avoid the cross contamination when using equipment that is shared with wheat eaters is to scrunch up some foil. It allows the hot air to circulate under the pizza giving a crispy base without actually coming into contact with the base.

And in just 10 mins -


Couldn’t decide which pic!
Not to everyones taste I know but that’s the way I like it!
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I often put unusual ingredients on my pizza but not pasta. Mine often have avocado or artichoke hearts or bacon or all of the above.
I don't find that unusual, really. One of my favorite pizzas from BJ's Brewhouse is their chicken club flatbread, and it has both bacon and avocado on it. I also like the Mediterranean pizza from a local pizza place that has chicken, roasted peppers, tomato, garlic, spinach, artichoke hearts, mozzarella, feta, parmesan, kalamata olives, and bacon on it (it's a white sauce pizza). I know that sounds busy to some but it's delicious! I like the idea of adding avocado to it, though I think it makes it no longer a Mediterranean pizza, LOL!
I don't find that unusual, really. One of my favorite pizzas from BJ's Brewhouse is their chicken club flatbread, and it has both bacon and avocado on it. I also like the Mediterranean pizza from a local pizza place that has chicken, roasted peppers, tomato, garlic, spinach, artichoke hearts, mozzarella, feta, parmesan, kalamata olives, and bacon on it (it's a white sauce pizza). I know that sounds busy to some but it's delicious! I like the idea of adding avocado to it, though I think it makes it no longer a Mediterranean pizza, LOL!
Decades ago when I lived in Portland there was a pizza restaurant called Dante's Inferno. The name provides the clue to their product which was capsaicin-laced pizza. You chose your toppings as well as the level of heat you prefer. I think it caused me to experiment with pizza toppings long ago. The chicken pizza you noted sounds really good.

I make what I call World's Best Pizza. It has a thick bread like crust with olive oil, marinara sauce, basil, garlic, onion, tomato, green and red bell pepper, avocado, Italian sausage or pepperoni all topped with mozzarella. The product is nearly 4 inches thick. I've made it literally hundreds of times and expect to continue to make it.
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