I mentioned earlier a kitchen DIY project. I finally finished it.
First, I bought a standard piece of pegboard from the DIY place, then I painted it white, because the natural brown just looked too...workshoppy.
My original idea was to find a local starving artist to paint me some kind of mural on it, and I was going down that path, when I dreamed that I wallpapered it instead. Off I went to look for wallpaper.
Apparently, no one hangs wallpaper the traditional way, and everything is just self-adhesive wallpaper now, so after dismissing the literally 15 rolls of wallpaper available at Lowe's (seriously, whatever happened to those books and books of wallpaper samples?) I went online and found something I liked:
Then I laid out where I wanted my stuff, marked it on the back, and papered the board. Then I flipped it over and poked little holes through the paper where the pegs would go, inserted the pegs, locked them down, and up on the wall:
I did do a typical TR goof during this step. As you can imagine, before I laid everything out on the board, there was no top or bottom to the whole thing, but as soon as I marked the holes on the back, there definitely was a top and bottom. It could go only one way to be right-side up.
Of course, I ignored all that when I papered it, and discovered that I'd papered it upside down.
No worries, I thought, and I flipped it over and just...transposed?...the original markings on the back. Of course, when doing that, I should have moved the markings right-to-left as well as top-to-bottom, but I didn't think of that, so the end result was that I got them fixed top-to-bottom, but completely reversed as compared to my original plan.
Oh well, no biggie in the end:
I also want to add, being that I hate artsy-craftsy DIY crap, that what would have taken a normal person a weekend (and most of that would have been letting paint and glue dry), this took me two months once I bought the pegboard, and it was a good eight months since I first said, "I'm putting a pegboard up!"
First, I bought a standard piece of pegboard from the DIY place, then I painted it white, because the natural brown just looked too...workshoppy.
My original idea was to find a local starving artist to paint me some kind of mural on it, and I was going down that path, when I dreamed that I wallpapered it instead. Off I went to look for wallpaper.
Apparently, no one hangs wallpaper the traditional way, and everything is just self-adhesive wallpaper now, so after dismissing the literally 15 rolls of wallpaper available at Lowe's (seriously, whatever happened to those books and books of wallpaper samples?) I went online and found something I liked:
Then I laid out where I wanted my stuff, marked it on the back, and papered the board. Then I flipped it over and poked little holes through the paper where the pegs would go, inserted the pegs, locked them down, and up on the wall:
I did do a typical TR goof during this step. As you can imagine, before I laid everything out on the board, there was no top or bottom to the whole thing, but as soon as I marked the holes on the back, there definitely was a top and bottom. It could go only one way to be right-side up.
Of course, I ignored all that when I papered it, and discovered that I'd papered it upside down.
No worries, I thought, and I flipped it over and just...transposed?...the original markings on the back. Of course, when doing that, I should have moved the markings right-to-left as well as top-to-bottom, but I didn't think of that, so the end result was that I got them fixed top-to-bottom, but completely reversed as compared to my original plan.

Oh well, no biggie in the end:
I also want to add, being that I hate artsy-craftsy DIY crap, that what would have taken a normal person a weekend (and most of that would have been letting paint and glue dry), this took me two months once I bought the pegboard, and it was a good eight months since I first said, "I'm putting a pegboard up!"