Yep. First plane to land at Sydney airport this morning. There's a 5am curfew, do we did 40 minutes of circuits breville we could land. We must have had a healthy tail wind all the way from Singapore, though I know we did leave there early.
The chooks are largely setup to look after themselves. They have several automated doors. The main chook house has 2. One leads into the main enclosure (chook electric fence system via solar panel recharging a battery) which they have had access to the entire time (daylight hours only). For 11 birds there's roughly 200m² of fenced in space. That's plenty of space and doesn't include their roost. Lots of sun bathing, dirt, a couple of bales of hay, several pallets made into wind breaks and a fallen trunk or two plus a dedicated wet weather area with 5 food containers scattered throughout that entire area. They are designed to keep rodents out, though I confess thay magpies mau be able to eat from them, or at least are only cleaning up what they chooks don't eat off the floor. There's a water trough attached to 100 litres of drinking water for them as well (think of 2 black bins with lids attached via a Y connector and gluing down to the trough via gravity feed and float mechanism). Inside the main chook house (which could easily house 40 chooks and has) are another 2 food and 2 water containers just in car they very trappedinside the chook house. Then there's another automated door which allows them to free range when safe. Not so even we are not home to lock up and disconnected completely whilst we were away.
The second chook house is completely self contained but we've partitioned it off to include a dedicated dust bath area. The roosting compartment is on an automated door there as well. There's only 2 bantams and 2 smaller sized chooks in that one. Every attempt to very them into the main flock has failed. They chose to stay there!
My husband's boss came over twice to check on them for us and top up the food supply because despite everything we put out, they were still getting through it all in just over a week. Water they were fine with and that's the crucial one at the end of the day. We usually only top that up maybe once a month, except for the interval coop water. I've still got to get that onto the trough system.