Plans for today (2019-2022)

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We've started to ramp up the arrangments for moving into the new spot..placed some orders, contacted a few tradesmen, an equipment sales rep...still some phone calls to make...cut the grass, record some harmonies's going to be a hot afternoon so, I'll try and stay inside..already walked for an hour so I got my daily dose of Vitamin D...Maybe some Vitamin B, for Beer...
We've started to ramp up the arrangments for moving into the new spot..placed some orders, contacted a few tradesmen, an equipment sales rep...still some phone calls to make...cut the grass, record some harmonies's going to be a hot afternoon so, I'll try and stay inside..already walked for an hour so I got my daily dose of Vitamin D...Maybe some Vitamin B, for Beer...

My buddies and I used to call it vitamin B, too. Exercise was 12-ounce curls.

It hasn't been very hot here, yet. It is 82F/28C outside right now. Mother Nature is probably luring us into a sense of comfort, and then she's going to pound us with a 100-plus heat wave.

My buddies and I used to call it vitamin B, too. Exercise was 12-ounce curls.

It hasn't been very hot here, yet. It is 82F/28C outside right now. Mother Nature is probably luring us into a sense of comfort, and then she's going to pound us with a 100-plus heat wave.

I skipped the beer..I contacted the landlord of the house behind me about that pit bull the tennant has in a crappy trailer in the back yard..I guess the landlord spoke to the tennant, now we just had it out..He told me to stay out of his business and a bunch of other stuff that contained four letter family has been in this house since the 80's. Never a a few months it's turned into neighbors from hell...oh, well..just wait it out..guys like him don't stick around anywhere for long..
I skipped the beer..I contacted the landlord of the house behind me about that pit bull the tennant has in a crappy trailer in the back yard..I guess the landlord spoke to the tennant, now we just had it out..He told me to stay out of his business and a bunch of other stuff that contained four letter family has been in this house since the 80's. Never a a few months it's turned into neighbors from hell...oh, well..just wait it out..guys like him don't stick around anywhere for long..

It's pretty tough when you get a crapola neighbour, we had one about 10 years ago, 3 doors away, racing go karts and motor bikes down our. street. Only stayed about three months, they got sick of some crazy guy calling the cops I think,lol.
I only have one neighbour an Indian family, they are good, he likes to smoke a bit of hooter at night. Doesn't bother me. I'm on a corner with a reserve behind me so all good.

High of 17 deg c here today and tomorrow. I need to go do my registration of my car, expired a week ago so my mate told me yesterday. We display it on passengers side top left of windscreen. I'll pay my phone while there. Then decide what's for dinner?
And get alcohol.

My plans today include paying a surprise $400 property tax adjustment and arguing with the hospital (and no doubt the insurance company) over a $4,500 bill I got yesterday. Fun!
Well, breakdown of the bill went as follows:

Hospital says insurance is trying to eff me over. Insurance says hospital is trying to eff me over, and comparing the statements from the two, I'm siding with the insurance company.

I can't believe I just said that. 🤨
Well, breakdown of the bill went as follows:

Hospital says insurance is trying to eff me over. Insurance says hospital is trying to eff me over, and comparing the statements from the two, I'm siding with the insurance company.

I can't believe I just said that. 🤨

Whatever the insurance company says you owe, is what you owe. By contract with the insurance company, the hospital (or any other network provider) can't charge one penny more. I've been down that road.

Worked yesterday, of course, mowed the grass, sprayed some weeds, watered some flowers, cooked a meal...the standard stuff, more of the same today.

I have a flower bed I sprayed with weed killer a couple of days ago, so I've got to pull out the dead stuff now and get some new dirt in there. Planning on getting that planted this weekend. I may run up to the garden center and get started on the last of my planters.
Need to learn 20 new pieces of music for the flutes I accompany.

Took 90 min round 1. Round 2 anytime soon.

Report on parents meeting done,sent.

Got couscous under a lid.

Some rescheduling for Tue work as I take my Dad to a cardiologist check up.

The least favourite is rescheduling.
Will have some more rescheduling for June 7th to accompany my Mom to her dentist. I feel it will not be the only dental appointment.

Concerts coming up next and week after. Exams coming up in 3 weeks.

Assisting kid in her homework.

Cleaning kitchen and bathroom due.

Boyfriend feeling under, as in collapsing, took med. Might be blood pressure or athmospheric pressure changes.

Did some cb cheddar brainstorming, hope to do tomorrow, if cheddar is delivered on time.
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