I was anticipating that, so now I'll fill you in on the details:
We each ate some bread and butter with our cocktails (bread basket contained warm white rolls, wheat rolls, and salt rye sticks that looked a lot like

...and that's the one I had

We both ate our salads and all of our starters.
MrsT had both the lobster tails (small), and one bite of her steak, and the creamed spinach. She brought home nearly all the steak and all of her potatoes.
I had half my steak, all of my potatoes, and all of my broccoli, and the fried onions, bringing home just the other half of the steak.
We also had a drink each with the meal (wine for her, beer for me).
The cheesecake...the perspective on that pic doesn't do it justice. It was massive. The server even commented jokingly that, "...if that's not big enough, I can send it back!"
We had probably less than half of that and brought it home as well...so supper tonight is sorted!
I had to laugh at the couple sat next to us. They were easily in their '80's, and I must admit, the woman was still quite strikingly beautiful - she looked like Zoey Deschanel if she were 100yo.
Anyway, enough about that...this very slight woman had three of the peppermint martinis - meaning a peppermint-flavored vodka drink with a scoop of peppermint ice cream in it.
She had three of those.
Then she ordered the Wagyu beef, which was easily three inches thick, along with a baked potato (with sour cream, etc), and she ordered a second entree of the salmon! I'm assuming that was to take home, but still...she looked like she weighed 100lbs at the most, and she was working that beef for all she was worth! And the three drinks which were really more like desserts.
They plated that salmon instead of wrapping it immediately, so now I'm thinking she ate at least some of it.
And she had two rolls! I thought she was wonderful, because a lot of people would have been embarrassed to order so much food and look gluttonous, but she didn't care a bit.