Well it may be right - you are talking to someone who recently purchased an electric egg boiler. I'll post about it later. I love it!
OMG, I was just thinking of buying one! Does it do soft boiled?
The reason I ask, as you know my continuing journey for the “perfect” soft-boiled egg, is that I’ve been determined to get the timing just right, and physics is still messing with me.
Last week, I boiled the water, dropped the eggs in straight from the fridge, turned the burner down, boiled them for exactly six minutes, out of the water and into the cup, where they sat for three more minutes…and the eggs were close, but not exactly right. I still had a few flecks of hard-boiled yolk around the edge - just enough to notice.
A-ha! I’m so close, I can’t wait for the next attempt, when I’ll shave 15 seconds off.
That was today. Same brand of eggs. Same pan. Same amount of water. Same burner settings. Everything the same, except I went for 5:45.
Result: yolk cooked solid halfway through! I think I must live in some bizzaro dimension where the less I boil it, the more it cooks!