Plans for today (2019-2022)

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Very busy today. I’ve got to:

Make candied yams
Make cheese spread
Make stuffing/dressing
Bake crackers
Get my last vaccine shot
Do laundry

Notice where I put “work” on that list! :laugh:

I know I have at least one meeting today that’ll make me angry before it’s over with, and normally there’re five people in my group, but three of them took the day off, so that never helps should anything go wrong.

SatNavSaysStraightOn is looking at my list and thinking…”Busy? But you’ve not even hauled firewood or clean the coop or rounded up a stray wombat! Or cleaned the chimney, or rotated the rain barrel, or mowed the hedge, or…” :wink:
I have shopping and cooking on my list today. My sister and I need to get two new chairs for my mom. Then a quick trip to Kroger. The rest of the day is cooking all the sides for Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow. I'll cook the bird tomorrow morning.

Well, they cut us loose at noon at work, so now I’m off, and no meeting to pizz me off until next week, probably.

I have a feeling my shot’s getting pushed back to next week, but we’ll see. Laundry is half done and my first dish is completed.
My original plans for today were to (a) remake the cranberry jelly (b) make some jalapeños (c) do some cheese straws for Thanksgiving (4) peel all the Brussels Sprouts (5) make a citric salad dressing (6) watch some World Cup` (7) review a student´s university apps.
I´ve completely finished 1,2 & 3, and done a bit of (6 - Canada look really good!!), so I´m well ahead of schedule.


SatNavSaysStraightOn is looking at my list and thinking…”Busy? But you’ve not even hauled firewood or clean the coop or rounded up a stray wombat! Or cleaned the chimney, or rotated the rain barrel, or mowed the hedge, or…” :wink:
I know I muddle words, but honestly I don't usually mow the hedge.... you can tell because it took me 6 weeks last year just to trim the thing.

I do however have a very long list of things to do in the garden today and tomorrow, plus Sunday.
  • All 3 chook houses need cleaning out and new mulch put in.
  • All nest boxes need cleaning out, refilling and dusting down
  • The electric fence area needs trimming back.
  • The electric fence itself needs checking over because the sheep are in the field. I have to do this 3 or 4 times a day when they are in that field.
  • The gutters need doing now it is no longer too windy to climb a ladder alone
  • The 2 fruit trees need their new netting frames making, installing and netting added
  • The veg plot needs weeding. My straw bale hadn't had the wheat harvested from it so it has germinated everywhere I put the straw, so across most of the veg plot. I didn't spot it at the time else I wouldn't have put the straw down around the strawberries.
  • I need to sew some herbs, lettuce and a few other 2nd crop stuff.
  • The potatoes need earthing up again
  • The flower borders need weeding (they've got something called kangaroo grass growing in them) amongst many other weeds. :rolleyes:
  • Then they need planting up and netting off because my chooks will just dig them up. The stuff is growing in pots so will need watering before I plant them out.
  • The edges of the lawn need trimming back (kangaroo grass is almost 2m high in places)
  • And by the time I've done all that, the lawn will need cutting again...
PS, that's 2-3 days work there. Making the list is helpful because that way I realise how much I have to get done and not go back to bed!
I picked up a curb-side Walmart order for Mom and also took along some other things for her

Fried Cabbage with Sweet White Onions, all mixed together with some Sausage bites

My homemade Kalua Pork with Cabbage and the ever present 2 scoop Rice

I thought that I'd bring her some different frozen meals to try, rather than her usually Lean Cuisine and Marie Callendar, she was over the moon for all of this.
Not pictured is a large serving of what DH & I had last night for dinner, Shoyu Chicken, my quick Cucumber Kim Chee and Rice ... Mom was most happy with that, "Oh boy! I'm having that for dinner tonight! Don't put that in the freezer."

Also not pictured are three different filled Tamales (from the cold case, Cedar Lane) that I found at Trader Joe's... again, she's super happy with her haul.
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Did (4), (5) and (6). Here´s the sprouts ready for cooking. AND, all the extra leaves, saved for making Brussels & Squeak, and a version of aloo saag! The citrus (grapefruit, oranges and lime) were reduced with a bit of sugar for the salad dressing.
I opted out of task (7) and decided to go for task (10). A cold beer.
Today I'm finally getting my 4th vax if all goes well. And woke up with a completely stiff arm where the shot's supposed to go in, which has caused me a painful arm each time. It can't go in the other arm due to the buprenorfine patch. Hurray.

Aside from that I'm seeing the RD today and cooking. Keeping it easy because yesterday I cleaned the bathroom and kitchen, and also did laundry but now I have a lot of pain.

And we'll have a party here on saturday so I want to rest up as much as possible for that.
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