Plans for today (2019-2022)

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Apparently the cat is okay enough to just treat with lots of filled water bowls.

Today I will be doing major trash haul-out, and making a couple of recipes. Coffee hour is at 10 am here. I'll also be spray painting the other side of my wrought iron lawn furniture, and this evening, there's the town Halloween party. Kids come in, and candy / snacks are available. Alas, I didn't buy any appropriate stuff for it when I was out yesterday - totally spaced that! - so I'll just show up and be friendly. No time to go back to the appropriate grocery to buy anything.

I DO HAVE to cook the recipes I'd intended today - some of the food was without refrigeration too long yesterday with the power outage. And I really don't think the locals are interested in lamb kebabs.

[TBH, as a kid I personally would have LOVED the idea... but... Kids these days!!!!...]
I was up at 5AM to do some off-hours maintenance work. I was supposed to be paired with an offshore resource (we're trying to transfer after-hours work to an offshore team), but they never popped up online. 🤷🏻‍♂️

I think the wife needs to do some work-related shopping. She does something for every client who books with her; either a destination-themed gift basket or she'll call ahead and make arrangements to have champagne and a snacks tray waiting on them, that sort of thing.

I don't really have a meal worked out yet, but I've got an emergency list of things I'd like to try, so I'll probably make something off that.
Last night I finally finished reducing my 2 3" boneless chicken breast recipe binders down to just one. You know what that means? I won't be bugging you guys with chicken recipes for a while. :laugh:

Now I have to figure out what to work on today.
Last night I finally finished reducing my 2 3" boneless chicken breast recipe binders down to just one. You know what that means? I won't be bugging you guys with chicken recipes for a while. :laugh:

Now I have to figure out what to work on today.
Well, one thing I did today, paid the mortgage. Good thing I did, DH just went to the grocery store with the stores sales ads for this week. Oh boy!!!! They are having a lot of good sales this week. Can I borrow your freezer for awhile? lol
Judging by the biscuit recipe I just posted, can you guess what binder I am working on today? lol (just a quick silly little game)
A lazy Sunday morning planned, watching Wales thrash South Africa, bacon and eggs and a large pot of coffee. Hopefully will be able to get into town to buy the Sunday's papers before lunch. Getting home yesterday afternoon was a bit of a nightmare. All major roads on our side of town were closed due to flooding, as were all lanes leading to our village. A major detour ensued, and even that involved a fair bit of deep water wading. Seriously regretting selling my Land Rover now. My wife's little Golf did a sterling job though, the water came half way up the doors but stayed on the outside. Hopefully the sloshing noise will have gone today!
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